Troy Aikman is offering American voters an alternative to woke beer

Jun 1, 2023

Troy Aikman has gone from Super Bowl superhero to the voice of the National Football League.

But now number eight has his award-winning field vision locked on a new target.

And the Dallas Cowboy legend is offering voters an alternative to woke brews.

Queer beer is everywhere

Millions of Americans are boycotting Anheuser-Busch after the brewing giant decided to earn some social credit score points by going woke.

By now, you’ve no doubt heard about Bud Light getting in bed with and issuing a special can for 26-year-old gay man Dylan Mulvaney, who has been tracking his “girlhood journey” after transitioning in his mind to a prepubescent girl.

Many of those hard-working Americans switched from Bud Light to Miller, Coors, or Molson.

However, it turned out Anheuser-Busch was far from the only woke beer brewer on the market.

Molson Coors was hoping their so-called “social justice” receipts were lost.

But to no avail, as the Daily Caller unearthed screen grabs of social media posts Miller Lite was trying to hide.

On March 7, before the Bud Light/Dylan Mulvaney controversy sparked at the end of March, Miller Lite released an ad titled “Bad Sh** to Good Sh**” – you can watch the full ad in the video above.

The ad blasted the beer industry’s history of using beautiful bikini clad women to sell suds.

It goes on to make a litany of inaccurate claims about women’s role in creating the alcoholic beverage.

The commercial was so unpopular with Miller fans the company had to almost immediately turn off comments on the clip.

Under the so-called “leadership” of Molson Coors Beverage’s Chief Marketing Officer, Sofia Colucci, Miller Lite also released a can with a rainbow that states, “celebrate everyone’s identity,” and features different pronouns.

The company even – pardon the pun – came out with a special COVID vaccine tee shirt.

A Hall of Fame alternative to woke beer

Anheuser-Busch and Molson Coors own most of the major beer bands in the United States – forcing drinkers to research their local breweries’ politics before purchasing their next round of tall ones.

However, quarterback legend Troy Aikman is trying to make the choice a little simpler for based beer fans.

Early last year, Monday Night Football’s color commentator launched his own brew line, Eight.

Aikman is now using the Bud Light and Miller Lite controversies as an opportunity to establish a point-of-difference for his beer brand.

The Cowboy released a selfie-style commercial preaching about authenticity.

“Everybody’s talking about beer companies these days – but nobody’s talking about beer,” Aikman says in the video. “I started ‘EIGHT’ with the goal of creating a company dedicated to making really great light beer. No agenda. No distractions. Just great f–king beer.”

While promoting his own fermented hops and barley, Aikman calls into question other brewers who try to jump on the latest cultural trends to sell more bottles and cans.

“Some brands are taking shortcuts to gain consumers,” Aikman wrote in the commercial’s accompanying tweet. “We’re committed to producing a first-class product . . . Come join Team EIGHT.”

Room for more than one boycott at a time?

Bud Light became a meme in the wake of its partnership with gender dysphoria patient Mulvaney – and it’s crushing them in sales – down nearly 30% nine weeks later.

However, Miller Lite not only hasn’t felt the consequences of its, arguably, even more woke marketing – but its sales are up so much the company is worrying about shortages.

This is very likely due to the extra focus and attention on Anheuser-Busch and not as many people being aware of the Miller Lite controversy.

Had Molson Coors’ history been discovered first – it could very well be their company that is struggling to even give away beers and Bud Light that’s reaping all the benefits.

Either way, Aikman is hoping by staying politically neutral, beer drinkers will try and enjoy his brand of brew.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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