Adam Carolla just dropped a truth bomb on these Biden agencies

Jun 1, 2023

Americans used to revere their public institutions – however, not so much anymore.

That’s what happens when one political party weaponizes the power of the federal government against its political opponents.

And now comedian Adam Carolla is dropping a truth bomb on the federal alphabet agencies that has President Joe Biden pulling out his hair plugs.

Carolla vs. Kimmel

Much like the Odd Couple, the two former hosts of Comedy Central’s The Man Show could not be more different.

Jimmy Kimmel has gone on to host his own late-night show where he cries while advocating for gun control and gives softball interviews to President Joe Biden and other Democrat politicians.

Adam Carolla, on the other hand, has made a name for himself as one of the most outspoken conservative comics in the country.

And on his podcast with Dr. Drew Pinsky, Carolla called out President Biden’s laundry list of politicized and weaponized federal agencies.

Carolla vs. The Alphabet Agencies

The commonsense comic says he no longer trusts the CIA, FBI, DOJ, or CDC – and he put it in a way that only he can.

“Along with the CDC and along with Fauci and company I will now add the CIA and the FBI to my list of people I do not want to listen to them anymore,” Carolla said. “I do not trust them anymore. I will add the DOJ to that . . . I now think everybody’s a liar.”

The proclamation against the alphabet agencies came on the heels of the long-awaited and long-overdue Durham Report.

The Durham Report proved what voters on the right have been saying all along – there was no collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia in the 2016 Presidential election.

However, the federal agencies – at the time under the control of then-President Barack Obama – did everything within their power to make the American public believe the Trump/Russia hoax.

Meanwhile, the same agencies are refusing to lift a finger to investigate Hunter Biden’s wrong doings.

Dr. Drew vs. The FBI

“Nice job, fellas – completely compromised yourself,” Carolla continued. “No one listens. [Attorney General] Merrick Garland speaks? Oh, he’s lying. He’s talking about ‘white supremacy,’” Carolla added. “Oh, that guy’s lying.”

Carolla was referencing the Biden Administration’s tactic of blaming everything on supposed “systemic racism.”

“The head of the FBI and the CIA and the Department of Justice and the CDC and all these folks speaking and you’re like, ‘oh, they’re lying.’ it’s crazy,” Carolla added.

Carolla’s co-host, Dr. Drew agreed – pointing out that the perception of the once respected FBI has been diminished beyond repair.

“I have friends who were in the FBI for many years, and they used to just defend the FBI like crazy from this kind of criticism,” Dr. Drew said. “Now, they’re like, ‘they’re a new generation. They’re not worth listening to right now. Be careful.’ It’s really something to hear them change their tune.”

Carolla and Dr. Drew went on to add they also didn’t trust any of the health officials who advised for vaccine mandates, masks, and social distancing during the COVID pandemic.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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