Joe Biden has put DEI requirements into the food supply chain, DOJ prosecutions, and more

May 1, 2023

While most Americans are struggling to make ends meet, Democrats are doing everything they can to make it harder.

Many don’t even know just how bad it really is.

But Joe Biden has put DEI requirements into the food supply chain, DOJ prosecutions, and more.

The mad scramble to put diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, into every facet of American life is costing the taxpayers an arm and a leg.

To Joe Biden, a racially and gender diverse workforce is “crucial” to green energy

When Joe Biden’s Department of Energy unveiled its $72 million in taxpayer funding to help train the next generation of green energy workers, it did far more than just promote its latest solution for so-called “climate change.”

They also argued a racially and gender diverse workforce was “crucial” to the project’s mission.

The federal department tasked to “ensure America’s security and prosperity” through energy didn’t actually explain how a “diverse workforce” can solve or even reverse disastrous Biden-caused energy problems, but then again, they didn’t have to.

Leftist agitators and their media allies are all too happy to just accept it at face value.

They ignore such problems as the highest gas prices in American history, the lowest oil reserve levels in some 40 years, and an “unprecedented” rise in utility bill debt.

In other words, Americans are left to their own devices to fill up their tanks and pay their bills.

And that is just fine to the DEI warriors who are heaping even more costs on energy through their programs.

But DEI goes even deeper and costs even more

The Biden administration has quietly inserted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements, goals, and rhetoric into every aspect of the federal government.

DEI is now mandated in everything from food supply chain policies to DOJ prosecution strategies and, of course, green energy.

For example, last September, the Energy Department unveiled the Biden “Roadmap to Equity and Justice” and promised a “total transformation” of federal energy policy.

By January, the department had made “bringing energy justice, equality, and diversity” to fight the “climate crisis” a top priority.

This effort stems from a Biden executive order directing federal agencies to “pursue a comprehensive” equity approach to every aspect of their departments.

Not surprisingly, this focus on equity has shifted government resources away from their actual jobs to a new, woke leftist policy agenda.

This has led to massive government failures when calamities like train derailments, airline troubles, and bank failures happened.

And that’s not to mention the DOJ’s targeting of Christians and conservatives who don’t goose step in line.

The Department of Injustice

During Biden’s Presidency, the Department of Justice has begun stepping up efforts in its Equity Action Plan.

The DOJ is bragging about its “many steps to advance equity” in the U.S., falsely claiming it is “equal justice under law.”

And that shows in the polls.

A 2022 Trafalgar poll found 79% of Americans believe the nation has a “two-tiered justice system,” a different set of rules for leftists and conservatives.

This is seen daily in DOJ and FBI raids on Trump and his supporters, pro-life activists, and conservative organizations.

Meanwhile, violent Antifa and Jane’s Revenge terrorists walk away from their violent crimes with no fear of prosecution.

And things are just as bad elsewhere.

As food prices continue to skyrocket, the Department of Agriculture has focused instead on diversity and inclusion among farmers and agriculture industries.

And at the Department of Transportation, run by Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has been called a “diversity hire,” they list “equity” as a top “Department-wide strategic goal.”

Meanwhile, the department oversaw one of the worst airline crises in U.S. history in February, when the FAA’s nationwide computer system crashed, leaving every single flight in America grounded for the first time since Sept. 11, 2001.

And while Secretary Buttigieg talks of racist roads and bridges, Americans can’t afford to fill their tanks or even buy a used car.

Unless Biden is stopped, the future looks bleak indeed.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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