Joe Biden flew off the handle after this game-changing development in the investigation into his family’s corruption

Apr 21, 2023

The Congressional investigation into the Biden family’s alleged influence-peddling scheme is starting to bear fruit.

Little by little, the House Oversight Committee is putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and the walls appear to be closing in on the President.

But Joe Biden flew off the handle after this game-changing development in the investigation into his family’s corruption.

Complying with subpoenas

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has made it abundantly clear that the Committee fully intends to get to the bottom of the Biden family’s alleged influence-peddling scheme.

Most importantly, Rep. Comer has pledged to follow the money in order to determine whether or not the alleged scheme resulted in President Joe Biden being compromised by foreign adversaries, who evidence shows paid the Biden family millions of dollars.

As such, Comer recently revealed that the Oversight Committee had subpoenaed four banks – Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and HSBC Bank USA – as part of the investigation.

And according to a report from Breitbart News, sources familiar with the House Oversight Committee’s investigation have confirmed that the four subpoenaed banks have complied with requests for records related to the scheme.

“This information leads to more information that we are going to continue to request,” Comer told Fox Business on Monday. “There will be more subpoenas.”

The Kentucky Congressman previously revealed that financial records obtained by the Committee through these sorts of subpoena requests had uncovered six Biden family members, previously unknown to investigators, who may have profited from the family’s illicit deals.

That information brings the total number of Bidens under suspicion of profiting from the illegal foreign influence-peddling scheme to nine.

Too big to ignore

During his aforementioned Fox Business interview on Monday, Rep. Comer also stated that at the rate the Committee’s investigation is turning up evidence, their efforts will soon reach a point in which the media and Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland “cannot continue to turn a blind eye to this.”

“It’s strange,” Comer noted. “It’s illegal. There’s no laws that allow family members to profit from a high-ranking government official to the tune of what this family has done.”

Comer also previously revealed that the Biden family’s suspicious activity reports (SARs) held at the U.S. Treasury had allowed the Oversight Committee to uncover a $3 million wire transfer a top Biden associate received from Chinese energy company CEFC.

Following the money, the Congressman was able to determine that once that payment was received, the Biden associate turned around and distributed a more than $1.3 million “cut” to Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden – President Biden’s oldest son, Beau’s, widow who entered into a romantic relationship with Hunter after his brother’s passing – and another unnamed Biden.

On top of the bank records the Committee obtained to confirm the payments, Hunter Biden himself has admitted to receiving the more than $1 million payment from CEFC.

Meanwhile, when asked about the payment his son has admitted to receiving, President Biden has claimed that any suggestion his family received money from the Chinese energy company is “not true.”

Despite the evidence and Hunter’s own admission, the media is apparently taking Biden at his word as they continue to portray the investigation as a political stunt.

Fortunately, though, the record can finally be set straight now that the Biden family’s banks have complied with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoenas.

Surely those records won’t be more bad news for Joe Biden.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this story – before it’s banned.

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