Donald Trump caught Jack Smith red-handed breaking this law

Jun 12, 2023

Anti-Trump special counsel Jack Smith got some bad news.

There is now direct evidence of corruption in the prosecution of Donald Trump.

And Donald Trump caught Jack Smith red-handed breaking this law.

Corrupt prosecutor caught red-handed

Attorney Stanley Woodward represented Walt Nauta, a Trump aide at Mar-a-Lago that Smith and his team of anti-Trump prosecutors believe Trump ordered to move boxes containing classified documents out of a storage room in Mar-a-Lago.

When Smith’s prosecutors – led by Jay Bratt – met with Woodward and Nauta, they allegedly tried to pressure Woodward to advise his client to flip on Trump by threatening a judgeship he applied for.

“Bratt then turned to Woodward and remarked that he did not think that Woodward was a ‘Trump guy’ and that ‘he would do the right thing’, before noting that he knew Woodward had submitted an application to be a judge at the superior court in Washington D.C. that was currently pending, the letter said.”

The Guardian reported Woodward wrote in an affidavit outlining the allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and witness tampering that now sits with Chief Justice for U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., James Boasberg.

Trump’s team details the allegations of corruption

Trump attorney James Trusty outlined the allegations of misconduct in an interview with CNN.

“He apparently, along with five other people in his presence from DOJ, extorted a very well respected, very intelligent lawyer from Washington, D.C., saying essentially, ‘If you want this judgeship that’s on Joe Biden’s desk, you have to flip your guy to cooperate against the President of the United States’,” Trusty declared.

Left-wing anti-Trump anchor Kaitlan Collins tried to claim Trusty wasn’t offering any evidence to back up the allegation, which Trusty laughed off the air.

Trusty said the allegations were made in a sworn statement, and he could not wait for discovery to show if the five other prosecutors sitting in the room discussed the attempt to pressure Woodward over text and email.

“This is no political talker. This is something that was reported at the time by the attorney. It has been basically sworn to by him, he’s written a letter that’s been submitted to a US District Court Judge confirming it happened. And I think it’d be really interesting to find out whether DOJ, whether the five people, have sat in the room and watched that extortion have threads of text messages or emails where they comment about that,” Trusty added.

The case against Donald Trump stunk from day one.

For six years, Democrats ran witch hunt after witch hunt to try and take down Donald Trump.

And it looks like, once again, the Left may have cut corners and broken the law.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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