Desperate Democrats are reportedly turning to one of Jeffrey Epstein’s best friends to bail them out with major campaign donations

Jul 28, 2023

Considering the advantages that come with having complete control over the Deep State, the media, popular culture, and academia, Democrats should be dominating 2024 polls.

Instead, working-class Americans – including many lifelong Democrats – are finally waking up to the realities of the woke extremist agenda the Biden regime is attempting to force on the nation.

And as a result, desperate Democrats are now reportedly turning to one of Jeffrey Epstein’s best friends to bail them out with major campaign donations.

The worst cover-up of all-time?

On August 10, just a couple of weeks from now, it will have been four years since notorious pedophile monster Jeffrey Epstein allegedly committed suicide inside his New York jail cell.

But despite all the time that has passed, outside of the conviction of Epstein’s partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, none of the sex offender’s associates or accomplices have been named or held accountable in any way.

Despite the fact that media reports have been released periodically every few months since his death claiming court documents containing names of others who were involved or participated in Epstein’s despicable child sex trafficking ring would be released “soon,” that hasn’t happened.

“The Daily Mail reported that the material is expected to be made public in the coming months, nearly four years after Epstein took his own life while incarcerated in a New York federal correctional facility,” Fox News reported in February. “The documents are expected to contain the names of associates, victims, and employees connected to Epstein. They refer to ‘alleged perpetrators’ or those accused of ‘serious wrongdoing’ as well as law enforcement officers and prosecutors.”

Of course, it doesn’t take a genius-level IQ to come to the realization that at least part of the reason the names haven’t been released publicly is because so many of the ruling class elites in major positions of power were likely heavily involved.

After all, some ruling class elites, like Prince Andrew, former President Bill Clinton, and Microsoft fraud Bill Gates, have all already been exposed for their relationships with Epstein.

And to add further fuel to the speculation that many American ruling class elites were wrapped up in Epstein’s demented antics, Democrats facing stiff competition in their reelection bids have suddenly turned to one of the pedophile’s best friends for maximum donations.

LinkedIn with Epstein

According to a report from The Daily Caller, which conducted an analysis of Federal Elections Commission filings, many Democrats running in competitive House and Senate races in the 2023-24 election cycle have accepted the maximum donation allowed under federal law from known Epstein associate Reid Hoffman.

Hoffman, the billionaire LinkedIn co-founder, has long been one of Democrats’ top megadonors, giving tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to woke extremist candidates and causes.

In the 2017 Senate race in Alabama, he even went so far as to fund a literal disinformation campaign on Facebook inspired by Russian propaganda to target Republican voters who supported former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was the frontrunner in the race until such left-wing disinformation campaigns completely torpedoed his character with lies that ultimately proved to be false.

The woke billionaire, who is a member of the notorious, cult-like, ruling class elitist secret society, the Bilderberg Group, also happens to have been Epstein’s friend, visiting pedophile island at least once with plans to return, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.

Hoffman and Epstein were so close, in fact, he’s been accused of helping the convicted sex offender “rehabilitate” his image even after he was convicted – an accusation even the LinkedIn co-founder has publicly admitted is an accurate representation of his actions.

“My last interaction with Epstein was in 2015,” Hoffman claimed in a statement to Axios in 2019. “Still, by agreeing to participate in any fundraising activity where Epstein was present, I helped to repair his reputation and perpetuate injustice. For this, I am deeply regretful.”

But none of that has caused any Democrat to think twice about taking donations from Hoffman, as The Daily Caller’s report noted that he has donated more than $800,000 to Democrats thus far in the 2023-24 election cycle.

In fact, The Daily Caller revealed that the “vast majority” of that six-figure sum has gone directly to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

“Hoffman has donated more than $800,000 to Democrats during the 2023-24 cycle, the vast majority of it to President Joe Biden’s reelection bid,” The Daily Caller reported. “He has also given the maximum $6,600 donation to Democratic New York Rep. Pat Ryan and Colorado businessman Adam Frisch, both of whom are running in toss-up races. Swing state Democratic Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Jacky Rosen of Nevada and Jon Tester of Montana have also received the $6,600 maximum from Hoffman, according to Federal Election Commission filings.”

Furthermore, when asked by The Daily Caller whether or not they planned to return donations from Epstein’s friend, none of the Democrats even responded to the question.

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesperson Delanie Bomar, on the other hand, told the outlet that “it’s unfortunate that Democrats have no problem accepting money from shady characters so long as they can push their extreme political agenda.”

Despite all their claims of moral superiority, in reality, Democrat ruling class elites only care about one thing – power.

And as their connections to Jeffrey Epstein’s friends, like Reid Hoffman, Bill Clinton, and Bill Gates, absolutely proves it.

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