Joe Biden is stepping up censorship efforts by changing rules to ban conservative reporters

Jul 31, 2023

Democrats cannot accept anyone who challenges their leftist ideology.

This includes any media who happen to question anything about the Biden family.

That’s why Joe Biden is stepping up censorship efforts by changing rules to ban conservative reporters.

It is certainly rare when news outlets seriously question the Biden administration on anything.

Forcing conservatives out of press briefings

Americans are becoming more and more concerned about censorship under the Biden regime.

Yet, the Biden White House is in the process of changing its rules on press credentials, which will force conservative reporters out of White House press briefings.

This act of censorship is even turning heads in the nation’s media newsrooms as cries of censorship are becoming harder to ignore, even by the left-wing media who usually defend Biden for anything.

Under the new rules, White House reporters will be required to hold a press pass from the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, or U.S. Supreme Court to keep their access to the White House briefing room.

Existing White House press passes will expire on July 31, leaving several reporters without access to press briefings.

For example, Fred Lucas, White House correspondent for The Daily Signal, will find himself without a press pass as of August 1.

This despite the fact Lucas has held a White House press pass since 2009 and covered both Obama’s Presidencies as well as Trump’s.

Ousting “noncompliant” media

Lucas told The Washington Stand, “This is a first step of the Biden administration to oust what they consider noncompliant media from the White House. I have covered the White House under both the Obama and Trump administrations, and there has never been a targeted press purge like this before.”

The Heritage Foundation’s Vice President of Communications, Rob Bluey, agreed, and told The Washington Stand, “Joe Biden’s White House is engaged in a blatant act of censorship.”

Another journalist who will find himself without a White House press pass is Dr. Anthony Harper of InterMountain Christian News.

Harper, who is a 12-year veteran White House reporter, told The Washington Stand that this rule change is “a press purge to the high and mighty who select media people that I guess have the largest audience, the ones that they can control. It’s really a purge of conservative media.”

Yet another who will be banned from the White House is well-known Today News Africa’s White House correspondent, Simon Ateba.

In a statement to The Washington Stand, Ateba said, “Suspending or revoking my hard pass would not only hinder my ability to fulfill my responsibilities but also impede the public’s right to access reliable information.”

Rand Paul blasts the White House

Some U.S. Senators have also taken the Biden administration to task for the increased censorship.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) recently tweeted, “The Biden White House can’t find out who brought in cocaine, but they sure can spot and throw out a conservative member of the press.”

But Paul was not the only one to take umbrage with the White House censorship plans.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) also tweeted, “Normally the Biden White House asks Big Tech to censor conservatives for them, but it seems they’ve taken it into their own hands.”

The White House has not yet released a full list of those who will be left without press passes.

However, so far, those known to be affected tend to report from the conservative or Christian point of view.

For example, Ateba pointed out his reporting focuses on concerns about communism, saying, “China and Russia are expanding their influence across Africa, while U.S. influence is waning.”

He further explained, “Our publication focuses on shining a light on ties and interactions between the United States and Africa, and it’s sad that those in Washington do not understand the situation.”

Not the first time

This is not the first instance of the Biden White House censoring conservative journalists.

Possibly most famously, a New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop was censored on social media and labeled Russian misinformation just days before the 2020 election.

A top FBI agent recently confirmed the laptop was real and that the FBI knew it was real the very day the agency asked Twitter to kill the story and even told Twitter executives that the laptop story was true.

And just last year, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced the formation of a Disinformation Governance Board, with the main goal of examining and censoring the free speech of Americans.

Of course, “The Twitter Files” revealed the full extent Democrats and the politicized FBI were willing to go to censor the news and the truth leading up to the 2020 elections.

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