This member of the Biden family is reportedly “terrorizing” people inside the White House

Jul 28, 2023

Lately, things haven’t exactly been going the Biden family’s way.

With Joe Biden’s Presidency circling the drain and their corrupt influence-peddling scheme exposed it’s easy to see how the pressure could get to members of the family.

And now this member of the Biden family is reportedly “terrorizing” people inside the White House.

In the dog house

During the 2020 Presidential campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden became so obsessed with attacking every aspect of then-President Donald Trump’s existence he even attempted to make pet ownership a central issue of the campaign.

Having rescued a German Shepherd puppy named Major in late 2018, Biden attacked the fact that Trump, who obviously lived in the heart of New York City at the time, didn’t own any pets, claiming on social media that “it says a lot” about the former President.

“Some Americans celebrate #NationalCatDay, some celebrate #NationalDogDay,” Biden wrote on Twitter at the time. “President Trump celebrates neither. It says a lot. It’s time we put a pet back in the White House.”

And put a pet in the White House Biden did – after a January 2021 “indoguration” hosted by the Delaware Humane Association, President Biden moved Major and another German Shepard named Champ into the President’s residence.

But by December of that same exact year, Major had bitten so many staffers Biden chose to simply pawn the dog off on a “family friend.”

Of course, the same day President Biden spent an obscene amount of taxpayer dollars to transport the dog, he simply moved another German Shepard into the White House.

And the newest dog, Commander – the Biden’s third German Shepherd for those keeping count at home – who was specifically brought in to replace an aggressive dog, is now reportedly “terrorizing” White House staffers and visitors.

According to a report from the New York Post, the legal watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained internal Secret Service communications via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that indicate President Biden’s dog, Commander, has bitten at least seven people over a four-month period.

He’s definitely a Biden

The Post highlighted what it described as “the most serious documented incident,” in which a uniformed Secret Service agent was bitten multiple times by Commander, injuring the agent so severely he was forced to seek medical attention at a nearby hospital.

“In the most serious documented incident, the White House physician’s office on Nov. 3, 2022, referred a Secret Service uniformed officer to a local hospital for treatment after Commander clamped down on their arm and thigh, according to emails released under the Freedom of Information Act to conservative legal group Judicial Watch,” the New York Post reported.

“Commander broke the skin of a different Secret Service member’s hand and arm weeks later after the president unleashed him outside the White House following a family movie night, communications indicate — and the following month, Commander bit the back of a security technician at Biden’s Wilmington, Del., home,” the report added.

Worse yet, the New York Post pointed out that the seven documented attacks occurred between October 2022 and January of this year, meaning the report is likely “an incomplete accounting of incidents involving Commander because the period of time doesn’t cover his initial nine months at the White House or the most recent six months.”

In a statement to the Post, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton also blasted the President for allowing his dog to repeatedly bite Secret Service agents and White House staffers.

And he even called out the Secret Service for apparently attempting to cover up the “abuse” inflicted on its agents by the Biden family.

“These shocking records raise fundamental questions about President Biden and the Secret Service,” Fitton told the Post. “This is a special sort of craziness and corruption where a president would allow his dog to repeatedly attack and bite Secret Service and White House personnel. And rather than protect its agents, the Secret Service tried to illegally hide documents about the abuse of its agents and officers by the Biden family.”

Author Chris Whipple wrote in his book, The Fight of His Life, an inside account of the first two years of Biden’s Presidency – for which the Biden regime participated and gave the author “remarkable access” – that the President does not trust the Secret Service, refusing to speak about sensitive matters in front of agents, largely because he believes the agent his first dog, Major, bit just made the whole thing up.

“Look, the Secret Service are never up here,” Biden said at the time, according to Whipple. “It didn’t happen.”

Like all members of the Biden family, it seems as though Joe Biden’s dogs just don’t believe the rules apply to them.

On top of that, how many dog owners have been forced to euthanize their dog or faced lawsuits, fines, mandatory muzzling, or more after just one unfortunate biting incident?

It seems the double standards continue to pile up for the Bidens.

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