What this reporter found at the southern border will absolutely infuriate you

May 18, 2023

The Biden border crisis has undoubtedly been an unmitigated disaster fueled by Democrats’ open borders agenda.

The end of Title 42 has only made matters worse for border states.

And now what this reporter just found at the southern border will absolutely infuriate you.

A sea of trash

With Title 42 expiring at the end of last week, working-class Americans nationwide, especially those in border states and communities, have braced for impact.

With even the Biden Department of Homeland Security admitting that the end of Title 42 would lead the number of illegal aliens crossing into the U.S. from Mexico to surge to as many as 18,000 per day, the worst could still be yet to come.

But leading up to Title 42’s end, there was plenty of evidence – literal physical evidence – that the Biden border crisis is about to get even worse.

While speaking with America’s Newsroom from the southern border, Fox News’ Bill Melugin revealed drone footage his crew had captured earlier that day that showed a massive pile of trash accumulating over a wide area along the American side of the border that has become a major hub for illegal aliens crossing into the U.S.

“Take a look at this stunning drone footage our team shot right here in Brownsville,” Melugin told Fox News. “An absolutely massive amount of clothing, trash, and rubbish left behind by these migrants after they cross illegally here. This is one of the major hotspots here in Brownsville, everything you’re looking at has accumulated over just a matter of a few days.”

And according to Melugin, when that pile of trash was investigated, tons of identification papers – including Mexican humanitarian visas – were found to have been thrown in by illegal aliens.

“Mixed in with all that clothing and trash are also IDs from all around the world, paperwork from around the world, and Mexican humanitarian visas — remember, before they get to our border, they’ve got to get into Mexico first,” Melugin added. “And Mexico mass-issues them humanitarian visas, allows them to travel through Mexico, they go right to the border with the U.S., and once they cross over, they dump everything.”

The border will “be chaotic for a while . . .”

As Breitbart noted, those seemingly critical documents were ditched by illegal aliens because they “make it easier for American officials to effectively determine who truly qualified for asylum in the U.S. or where migrants should be deported to if they were not allowed to stay.”

Furthermore, Melugin went on to point out that there were “dozens” of such trash piles scattered throughout the Rio Grande Valley – one of the more popular routes for illegal alien traffickers.

After discussing the trash piles and enormous amounts of identification papers being ditched by illegal aliens to make it more difficult for U.S. officials to deport them, the Fox News reporter also revealed additional drone footage his crew captured that showed swarms of illegal aliens walking completely undeterred into the United States.

“We went down to the edge of the river, where you can see masses of people cross the river, gathering, waiting to cross illegally – some of them already in the water, some waiting to cross on rafts,” Melugin explained. “And you’ll notice there’s no resistance whatsoever on the Mexican side. Mexican immigration isn’t trying to stop them.”

Melugin also noted that once the illegal aliens do cross into the U.S., “the only resistance they are running into is coming from the state of Texas, not the federal government – you’ll see Texas National Guard soldiers there with barbed wire, razor wire, with soldiers, with Texas DPS troopers, trying to block them as they come across.”

“And you’ll see some of the migrants look confused – they’re not used to being repelled,” he added.

Needless to say, with Title 42’s end finally upon the nation, President Joe Biden’s prediction that the border “will be chaotic for a while” as a result of his border policies is coming true.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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