Washington, D.C., is in chaos after Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered on one promise to expose Democrats’ Big Lie

Jun 7, 2023

Democrats were beside themselves after Tucker Carlson’s release of previously concealed security footage recorded at the Capitol on January 6 completely torpedoed their narrative.

But that release was small potatoes when compared to what one Republican Congresswoman has up her sleeve.

And now Washington, D.C., is in chaos after Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered on one promise to expose Democrats’ Big Lie.

Promises made, promises delivered

Back at the beginning of March, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) followed through on a promise he made to secure the Speaker’s gavel, providing then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson with a reported total of 14,000 hours of security footage recorded at the Capitol on January 6 that Democrats sought to conceal from the American people.

You see, the video evidence did not fit the narrative Democrats and their media allies had spent over two years crafting that claimed former President Donald Trump had orchestrated a super sophisticated “deadly insurrection” by which a small number of his supporters would somehow overthrow the entire U.S. government.

In the footage aired by Carlson, the American people were able to see for the first time that Capitol Police not only opened the doors and allowed the protesters into the Capitol but also escorted many – including the so-called “QAnon Shaman,” who they helped enter the Senate chamber – throughout the building while helping them find unlocked doors.

Not only that, but the footage also showed that many of the supposed “insurrectionists” were nothing more than sightseers who revered the Capitol, and the great country for which it stands, organizing group tours for one another and helping to clean up the building.

And to top it all off, the footage even proved that Democrats and their media allies’ narrative of a “deadly insurrection” that supposedly took the lives of multiple police officers, including Officer Brian Sicknick, who died days later from what Democrats claimed was a head injury, were all lies, as Sicknick could be seen wearing a helmet and walking normally, while guiding protesters out of the building peacefully.

But at that time, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) also made a promise to the American people that she would ensure the other tens of thousands of hours of security footage Democrats tried to hide would also be released.

And now, she’s following through with that promise.

More Democrat lies come to light

In a post on Twitter, Rep. Greene announced that she had secured “unfettered access” to the January 6 footage for three different journalists and their outlets.

“As I promised the J6 tapes will be released,” Greene tweeted. “@SpeakerMcCarthy will give @jsolomonReports, @Julie_kelly2, and a third outlet unfettered access to the J6 tapes. Their reporting on it starts tomorrow!”

And the Congresswoman’s efforts to secure the release of the footage are already paying dividends.

Just The News’ John Solomon and Nicholas Ballasy co-authored a report on the initial findings of their investigation into what was reported as 41,000 hours of previously unseen security footage.

And according to their reporting, Democrats’ January 6 Committee “doctored” evidence it used to support its “deadly insurrection” narrative, adding audio to silent security footage it used to create a dramatic montage for its first hearing last summer.

“In at least two instances identified by Just the News, the panel’s sizzle reel that aired live and on C-SPAN last June failed to identify that it had overdubbed audio from another, unidentified source onto the silent footage,” Solomon and Ballasy reported. “Multiple current and former Capitol Police officials as well as key lawmakers and congressional aides confirmed that the closed-circuit cameras that captured the video do not record sound and that it was added afterwards.”

Needless to say, at this rate, by the time actual real journalists have had the time to adequately investigate all 41,000 hours of the footage, Democrats’ entire January 6 narrative will be destroyed.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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