Trump is grinning ear to ear after Michelle Obama admitted what she did the night Trump became President

Apr 3, 2023

Some of the best entertainment conservatives have ever witnessed in this nation was the outcry Democrats had after Trump was elected President in 2016.

Well, come to find out, the one who had the worst meltdown of them all was Michelle Obama.

And Trump is grinning ear to ear after Michelle Obama admitted what she did the night Trump became President.

Trump emotionally ruined the Left

The Left are used to having things their way.

And, when you think about it, they mostly get whatever they want.

Over the past few decades, society has shifted toward the Left’s agenda.

But the one outlier in the trajectory of the Left’s dominance was the rise of Donald Trump.

When Donald Trump came around in 2016, no one on the Left and in the establishment could see the signs that he actually was going to win because they were so entrenched in their own belief system as the establishment believed that they couldn’t lose.

But the masses started to listen and admire what Trump was saying because he was talking about the real issues Americans cared about.

If you were actually on the ground and went to events, you realized Trump was on a path to the Oval Office.

So when President Trump actually won the presidency in 2016, the Left completely lost it.

They didn’t know what to do as this was the first time in decades they didn’t get their way.

Now one man’s demise is another man’s entertainment and boy was it entertaining to watch the Left just completely melt down.

As election night returns came in, the media slowly lost all composure.

Then on election day, the woke mob flocked to the streets of Washington, D.C., and screamed into the air crying.

It’s rather humorous when you watch YouTube clips of these toddler-esque meltdowns online.

But come to find out the person who had the worst meltdown was Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama completely lost it

You could tell tensions were high during Trump’s inauguration for the Obamas.

The man they slandered for eighteen months was becoming President of the United States, and he was on a mission to destroy every last progressive policy Obama put in place.

And in a recent podcast, Michelle Obama shared how she didn’t handle inauguration night very well.

She claimed, “When those doors shut, I cried for 30 minutes straight, uncontrollable sobbing, because that’s how much we were holding it together for eight years.”

Then in a flashback of PTSD from that day, the former First Lady continued, “There were tears, there was that emotion. But then to sit on that stage and watch the opposite of what we represented on display – there was no diversity, there was no color on that stage, there was no reflection of the broader sense of America.”

Is anyone really shocked that Michelle Obama lost it the night Trump walked into the Oval Office?

For nearly a decade the Obamas got everything they wanted, then they had to see Trump face to face as he was about to attempt to make America great again.

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