This hero marine who saved subway passengers just realized he has no chance at a fair trial in New York City

Jun 16, 2023

The old adage is, “No good deed goes unpunished.”

And that’s especially true if you live in a blue state with Democrats running the government.

And now this marine hero who saved lives on a New York City subway just found out the hard way he may have no shot at receiving a fair trial.

Democrats confuse heroes and criminals

Half of America was outraged to learn last month that New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Daniel Penny with second degree manslaughter.

What was Daniel Penny’s crime?

He potentially saved lives from a deranged criminal threatening passengers on a NYC subway.

Here are the facts of the case.

Marine Vet Daniel Penny – a white man – stepped up when no police were around to rescue passengers on a subway from Jordan Neely – a black man with 42 prior arrests, including an active warrant for felony assault – who witnesses say was threatening and getting aggressive with other passengers.

Penny wrestled Neely to the ground and put him in a chokehold to restrain him while awaiting the cops arrival.

Warning, some might find the below video disturbing, but you can see Neely was still breathing after the chokehold was released.

Unfortunately, it took authorities about 15-minutes to show up to the scene.

Penny tried putting Neely in a recovery position, but Neely later was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Police took testimony from witnesses and watched video of the event before deciding not to arrest Penny.

However, much like during the so-called “Summer of Love” following the death of career-criminal George Floyd, woke radicals took to the streets demanding Penny be arrested and charged with murder.

Can Penny receive a fair trial?

The George Soros-backed Bragg caved to the mob and charged Penny.

And in the latest development in the case, a Big Apple grand jury has indicted Penny on a second-degree manslaughter charge, as well as a criminal neglect homicide charge.

If convicted, Penny could face 19-years in prison.

The marine vet must now be questioning whether he’ll be able to receive a fair trial in the deep, dark, blue state.

A pledge to pardon Penny?

Americans have rushed to support Penny.

His lawyers have raised about $2.9 million for his legal defense fund utilizing a Give Send Go crowdsourcing fundraiser.

One of the donors to the marine’s defense is GOP Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy.

Ramaswamy made a $10,000 contribution to the fund – tied for the fundraiser’s second largest gift.

The tech entrepreneur and author recently challenged the rest of his GOP Primary rivals to pledge to pardon former President Donald Trump should a partisan court find him guilty in the latest witch hunt against the 45th President of the United States.

Perhaps Ramaswamy will challenge his Primary mates to make a similar pledge to pardon Penny should the marine find himself behind bars for protecting a subway car full of people of all racial backgrounds.

Ramaswamy’s fellow Republican Oval Office seeker, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, has been one of the loudest supporters of Penny since Bragg first announced an investigation into his heroic actions.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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