Nike tells Target “Hold my Bud Light” with its upcoming kids’ product line

Jun 16, 2023

Remember when the Left used to accuse the Right of being in the pocket of big business?

Democrats can’t even attempt to make that argument anymore – as in 2023, corporate America is tightly tucked away in the back pocket of the extreme Left.

And now, Nike saw what Target did for Pride Month and simply said, “Hold my Bud Light,” with a new kids’ product line that will have parents red with rage.

When will they learn?

American consumers have taken all they can stand from woke corporatism in this country.

And some of the biggest mega conglomerates are now paying massive prices for getting in bed with the radical Left.

Bud Light has lost about $30 billion in market capital, and sales continue to spill Anheuser-Busch’s top brand partnered with gay man-turned-prepubescent girl – Dylan Mulvaney.

Meanwhile, Target could end up surpassing the downfall of America’s former long-time number one beer.

In a fraction of the time it took Bud Light to become a running joke, Target has lost about $15 billion in market value – and economists have downgraded their stock.

This after the retail giant featured satanic shirts, “gender fluid” mugs, rainbow flag toddler bibs, and tuck-friendly bathing suits for children – front and center in its big and bright Pride Month display.

And despite all the empirical and anecdotal evidence suggesting a business’ best course of action is likely to mind its business when it comes to politics – Nike has decided to “just do it” and sprint forward with its new pride collection.

Removing all doubt that they’re coming for your kids

Nike is aiding and abetting the alphabet groomers this Pride Month with a new merchandise line that fits nicely with the Left’s goal of indoctrinating America’s youth.

This month, the sneaker giant will release “gender inclusive” clothing for small children.

The revelation was unearthed by the Daily Wire – which found internal emails outlining the launch of the LGBT children’s line.

According to the internal document, Nike’s pride line will feature “gender-inclusive kids-one-fit” apparel – and it could be hitting storefronts this week.

“In collaboration with Nike Kids Design, join the Pride Network as we spotlight the pioneering gender-inclusive ‘Kids One Fit’ apparel,” the email reads.

And not to be outdone by its woke peers, Anheuser-Busch and Target, Nike has other big plans to “uplift” the self-proclaimed “queer community” this month.

But wait, there’s more . . .

The internal email reveals Nike will be hosting a panel discussion on so-called “gender-affirming care.”

Of course, giving kids puberty blockers and sex-change operations doesn’t “affirm” their gender at all – in fact, just the opposite.

But don’t try and tell the executives at Nike that.

The company that hired Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney – who doesn’t have breasts – to model its sports bras will be holding drag queen story hours throughout the month, the internal email exposes.

“This year’s theme is Together We Are Undeniable,” wrote Nike’s president of consumer and marketplace, Heidi O’Neill. “The LGBTQIA+ community continues to fight for equality – their fight to be themselves.”

But they don’t want to be themselves.

They want you to recognize the science fiction “reality” they believe themselves to live in.

And they want to make sure your children pick their own preferred pronouns and get to use the wrong bathrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms as well.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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