This famous actor’s Presidential campaign swag just sent leftists into a fuming rage

Aug 14, 2023

Aside from some rare exceptions, most Hollywood insiders, including big-name actors and actresses, lean to the Left.

But that fact doesn’t mean that the leftists in Hollywood always agree with each other, especially when it comes to the candidates they support.

And one famous actor wore some Presidential campaign swag that sent leftists into a fuming rage on social media.

Woody Harrelson wears an RFK, Jr. hat

The famous actor Woody Harrelson is known for his role on the hit television show Cheers and his acting roles in several beloved films.

But his long tenure in Hollywood hasn’t shielded him from controversy, including the latest uproar regarding his choice for President in 2024.

The actor was seen in a photo wearing a hat promoting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign.

His baseball hat featured a blue color, the word KENNEDY in capital letters, and 2024 underneath.

The image originated from actress Cheryl Hines’ Instagram account, most known for her role in the hit television show Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Hines is also the wife of Kennedy, and she was seen standing next to Harrelson as they both smiled while he wore the hat.

The caption read, “Great seeing you, Woody. #friends #hats #rfkjr.”

Not long after the image was posted, leftists took to social media to express their anger, outrage, and disgust.

RFK, Jr. is one of Biden’s biggest Presidential rivals, and his outspoken, anti-establishment views have led many to call him an extremist.

Andrew Kimmel, senior producer of the show Shark Tank, reposted the image on the social media platform X and said, “We lost Woody.”

An influencer by the name of “Liberal Lisa in Oklahoma” wrote, “It’s official. After his s— SNL opening monologue about Covid, now this. Woody Harrelson is dead to me.”

Another outspoken leftist, Angela Belcamino, wrote, “Woody Harrelson just canceled himself.”

Democrat social media strategist Devin Duke was also angry, taking to X and writing, “It’s a shame Woody Harrelson has revealed himself to be an anti-science quack.”

Even former Bill Clinton staffer Claude Taylor had something to say, writing that the photo was “so disappointing. Good reminder actors are not role models.”

Harrelson is unscathed

Although Woody Harrelson received tons of backlash for his photo showing off his support for RFK, Jr., it’s not likely to stop him from speaking his mind.

In February, the actor appeared on Saturday Night Live and gave a controversial monologue where he slammed the pandemic lockdowns and mandates, pretending that it was a movie pitch he had heard in 2019.

During the monologue, he said, “So the movie goes like this: This biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over.”

Harrelson finished the bit by saying, “I threw the script away. I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day.”

Since the actor is known for taking a vocal stand about what he believes in, it’s unlikely that he will back down on his support for RFK, Jr. any time soon.

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