Mitt Romney’s reelection decision may be made for him as these former friends come out against him

Aug 15, 2023

When he was running for President, Mitt Romney once described himself as “severely conservative.”

However, as of late, it seems the junior Senator from Utah has become the face of the RINO-wing of the Grand Old Party.

And now with a big reelection decision looming, these former friends might be taking the decision out of the hands of the perennial silver medalist.

Donald Trump vs. Mitt Romney

The last two GOP nominees for President were Mitt Romney in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020.

There may be no greater disparity in personalities and policies within the GOP.

Romney lost in embarrassing fashion to Barack Obama in 2012.

Trump soundly defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 and then lost in a very close contest against Joe Biden in 2020.

The two have never got along, with Romney constantly being a thorn in the side of the 45th President of the United States.

The 2016 loser even once voted to convict Trump following a Democrat impeachment.

But Romney’s vendetta against Trump doesn’t stop with the former President – it extends down to all America First candidates.

In fact, the Utah Senator refused to endorse the Beehive State’s Senior Republican Senator, Mike Lee’s reelection efforts last year – though Lee won in a landslide without his colleague’s support.

Romney has also become the leading voice for the country club, Chamber of Commerce, wing of the GOP.

Last year alone, Romney voted with Democrats in compromising away your Second Amendment rights and voted to advance Joe Biden’s $1.7 trillion obese omnibus bill, stuffed to the brim with pork-barrel spending and goodies and handouts for the woke.

Romney’s reelection is not a sure thing

And next year, the 76-year-old Senator is up for reelection.

Given Romney is Mormon in a state where two-thirds of the voters are members of the church of Latter Day Saints, his role in the 2002 Winter Olympics in the Beehive State, his status as the former Republican nominee for President in 2012, as well as being the former Governor of Massachusetts from 2003-2007, and the fact he’s an incumbent, you might think he would be a shoo-in for reelection.

However, it may not be that simple for the former GOP standard bearer.

Romney has still yet to officially announce his bid for a second term in the upper chamber.

But that’s not stopping his fellow Republicans from making endorsements in the race – and not for the incumbent.

Utah Republicans lining up against Romney

Fox News is reporting more than 60 Utah Republicans have officially endorsed Romney’s potential Primary opponent in the race.

Utah State House Speaker Brad Wilson has formed an exploratory committee with the aim of running for the seat.

Wilson just broke the news late last week and already two-thirds of Utah house Republicans and a third of State Senators have officially backed Wilson’s candidate.

“I am honored and encouraged to have the support of so many leaders from all corners of this great state,” Wilson said. “Utah needs a bold, conservative fighter in the U.S. Senate and I am humbled at the support and encouragement we’ve received so quickly.”

This rush of endorsement comes despite it being commonly speculated that Romney will run for another term in the U.S. Senate – a term that would take him well into his 80’s.

Wilson appears to be a legit threat to Romney in a potential Primary.

Beyond all the endorsements, according to Fox News, Romney has $1.8 million in his campaign warchest – while Wilson has $2.2 million.

One has to wonder if Romney’s hesitancy to announce his reelection intention is because he knows he’s a paper tiger who could get embarrassed and not even make it out of his party’s primary contest.

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