This Democrat lawmaker just defended transgender radicals after this lawmaker’s home was vandalized

Apr 27, 2023

The radical Left is becoming ever more violent.

And they even have support from some of America’s Democrat lawmakers.

Like this Democrat lawmaker who just defended transgender radicals after this lawmaker’s home was vandalized.

The radical Left and their social justice warriors have declared war on the American people.

No longer content to just burn down the cities

And now these leftist agitators have spread out into the neighborhoods of suburban America.

In conservative Utah, a Republican state legislator’s home was vandalized recently.

His “crime” was simply introducing a bill aiming to ban transgender surgeries on minors.

The message to State Senator Mike Kennedy was written in red spray-paint on his door and read “Fash” (an abbreviation for Fascist) and “These trannies bash back.”

Kennedy announced the vandalism of his private residence on Facebook, with a very strong warning.

“To those who seek to use violence, vandalism, and intimidation to deter me from standing up for what is right, let me be clear: you will not succeed,” he said in his post.

“I will not be deterred by your cowardly actions. The recent vandalism to my family’s home was not just an attack on me, but on the very principles our state stands for. We will not let fear and violence control our destiny.”

“I won’t back down”

Kennedy called on the citizens of Utah to “stand up and push back against radicals who seek to push their agenda in our state.”

“I am more determined than ever to work with the good people of Utah to make our state a better place for all, especially our children, and I won’t back down,” the Utah Senator concluded.

Kennedy earned the wrath of the criminals by sponsoring SB16, legislation that bans transgender surgeries and puberty blockers for minors, which was eventually signed into law by Utah Governor Spencer Cox in January.

According to Fox News, “Legislation similar to Utah’s SB16 has been enacted in at least 11 states as part of a nationwide movement led by conservatives who say transgender medical treatments are unproven and potentially dangerous for children.”

This legislation, which defends minor children from surgery and treatments that can scar them for life, is clearly enough to turn the LGBT radicals to violence.

In fact, only one LGBT organization had the common decency to denounce the attack on the State Senator’s home.

Even elected Democrats promote this violence

Meanwhile, the other national and state LGBT organizations and leaders either stayed silent or defended the attack.

This included at least one elected Democrat who seemingly offered up his own threats toward lawmakers who oppose transgender surgeries on minors.

As Breitbart News reported, Montana Democrat Zooey Zephyr, a man who claims to be living as a woman, recently announced that “bloodshed” could result from bans on transgender surgeries for minors.

“This body should be ashamed . . . If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands,” said Zephyr.

While he was speaking in reference to a Montana bill, the threats were very real and should be taken seriously by all Americans.

After all, we already know of one transgender terrorist who shot up a Christian school killing three nine-year-old children and three administrators.

It’s time to end the bloodshed and rein in the radical, violent leftists.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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