The media erupted into a frenzy when Donald Trump made this one big announcement

Jul 17, 2023

Donald Trump knows how to play the media like a fiddle.

He teamed up with a group of conservative stars for one epic event.

And the media erupted into a frenzy when Donald Trump made this one big announcement.

The Sound of Freedom became one of the biggest box-office hits of the summer, besting movies like Disney’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

Despite playing in fewer theaters, the film became a smash hit on word of mouth from audiences and beat several Hollywood movies at the box office.

The movie is based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a former agent with the Department of Homeland Security, who leaves the government to rescue children from human traffickers in the jungles of Colombia.

Ballard went on to found Operation Underground Railroad, a group that fights human trafficking.

Despite its success with audiences, the movie has been attacked by the media and critics.

A coordinated smear campaign was launched against the movie by the media that falsely claimed it was connected to QAnon, a term the Left uses to smear conservatives as dangerous conspiracy theorists.

The media is trying to dismiss the alarming rise in child trafficking as a conservative conspiracy theory.

Rolling Stone attacked the movie by smearing it as a “QAnon-tinged thriller” that is “designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.”

Actor Jim Caviezel, who stars as Ballard in the film, said that the media is “quaking in their boots” because of the movie’s powerful message and surprising success.

The movie is poised to have its biggest showcase yet after an invitation from former President Donald Trump.

Trump to host a screening for the Sound of Freedom with the stars of the movie

Donald Trump is hosting a screening of the Sound of Freedom with supporters at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey.

Jim Caviezel, Tim Ballard, and Eduardo Verástegui, the movie’s producer, will join the former President.

Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller said in announcing the movie’s showing that “evangelical allies,” club members, and people from across the country would join Trump in watching the movie.

The screening will be a reunion for Trump and several of the people associated with the movie.

Verástegui served on Trump’s Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity, while Ballard visited the White House in 2019 to discuss the importance of the Border Wall in the fight to stop child trafficking.

Trump’s campaign highlighted his administration’s aggressive actions to crack down on human trafficking.

During his first month in office, Trump said he was “prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government” to stop human trafficking.

Trump signed nine bipartisan bills to combat human trafficking in the United States and across the world during his Presidency and led an aggressive Justice Department effort to combat it.

This stands in stark contrast to President Joe Biden, who has presided over a surge in human trafficking during the border crisis.

Ballard has slammed Biden’s border policies for creating an economy of human trafficking.

Donald Trump is calling attention to the scourge of human trafficking by hosting a screening of the Sound of Freedom.

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