A top Democrat Senator just scheduled an event in New Hampshire that made Joe Biden hit the panic button

Jul 14, 2023

Joe Biden was already on edge over Robert F. Kennedy Jr. entering the 2024 Democrat Presidential Primary race.

But Kennedy may soon be the least of Biden’s concerns.

That’s because a top Democrat Senator just scheduled an event in New Hampshire that made Joe Biden hit the panic button.

Joe Biden’s failing administration has Democrats looking elsewhere in 2024

On top of his disastrous Presidency, Joe Biden’s age and rapidly declining mental faculties are major roadblocks in his path to securing a second term in the Oval Office.

At 80 years old, President Biden’s public appearances are already filled with gaffes, mishaps, and confusion.

And despite his problems at 80, Biden believes he can convince voters to keep him around until he is 86.

But the majority of voters, including Democrats, believe he is not fit to serve as President.

And polls show little to no enthusiasm for his campaign amongst Democrat voters.

Democrats Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are challenging President Biden for the Party’s nomination.

However, the Democrat National Committee (DNC) is going above and beyond to protect Biden by refusing to host any Presidential Primary debates whatsoever – can’t have candidates who are mentally and physically fit for office running circles around the President, of course.

But Kennedy Jr. is not the only Democrat keeping Biden and his regime up at night.

Joe Manchin fires up the rumor mills with this New Hampshire trip

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) – who reports have indicated Democrats fear could mount a third-party run – is set to appear as the keynote speaker for an upcoming event in New Hampshire.

The group No Labels advocates for third party candidates to run in political races across the country.

“We care about this country more than the demands of any political party,” reads the No Labels website. “Healthy disagreement is a good thing in our democracy.”

Senator Manchin is set to deliver the keynote address at a town hall event hosted by No Labels on July 17 at New Hampshire’s Saint Anselm College.

“It is clear that most Americans are exceedingly frustrated by the growing divide in our political parties and toxic political rhetoric from our elected leaders,” Manchin wrote in a statement about his attendance at the event. “Our political discourse is lacking engaged debates around common sense solutions to solve the pressing issues facing our nation.”

Of course, one of the biggest questions surrounding the 2024 Presidential election is whether or not Manchin will enter the race to challenge President Biden.

Regardless of which party – or lack thereof – the Senator aligns with should he enter the race, his presence would be bad news for Biden and the Democrat Party as a whole.

Senator Manchin is the last Democrat elected to statewide office in the Republican stronghold of West Virginia.

He’s also up for reelection in the Senate in 2024.

Should Joe Manchin enter the Presidential race, it would open up his Senate seat and give Republicans a chance to potentially fire Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

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