The jaw-dropping lie Joe Biden is reportedly telling his own staff to cover up his biggest 2024 concern will blow your mind

Jul 7, 2023

Joe Biden and his lackeys have gone to unprecedented lengths to cover for their corruption and failures.

From weaponizing the government against Republicans, interfering in criminal investigations, to hiding evidence – the list goes on and on.

But the jaw-dropping lie Joe Biden is reportedly telling his own staff to cover up his biggest 2024 concern will blow your mind.

The Bidens want nothing to do with her

While much has been made about the generous plea deal Hunter Biden received from the Biden Department of Justice for his tax and firearms charges, President Joe Biden’s son secured another settlement shortly after that which hasn’t been getting as much attention as it should.

Recently, Hunter reached a settlement agreement in his efforts to lower his monthly child support payments for his estranged four-year-old daughter, who he fathered with a random Arkansas stripper shortly after his affair with his late brother’s widow ended.

As part of the settlement, Hunter lowered his child support payments from $20,000 per month to just $5,000 by agreeing to give his daughter some of his finger paintings to make up the difference, undoubtedly making many deadbeat dads wish their finger paintings could count as child support, as well.

Of course, while there’s little doubt that giving his illegitimate daughter his finger paintings as child support is yet another fraudulent scheme, it’s the settlement’s provision mandating that the girl’s mother drop her efforts to give the child the Biden name that no Democrat wants seeing the light of day.

You see, that’s because President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and even Hunter himself want nothing to do with the child to the point they’ve all reportedly never seen, spoken to, or even asked about the four-year-old.

In fact, the Bidens want so badly to pretend as though the child doesn’t exist, the President himself is reportedly telling staffers she doesn’t even exist.

According to a report from The New York Times, the Biden campaign’s biggest concern heading into the 2024 election is that Hunter’s four-year-old daughter could cause issues for the President, who has always portrayed himself as a devoted family man.

Joe Biden has an odd way of being a “devoted family man”

As a result, Biden staffers are reportedly being told in strategy meetings that the girl doesn’t even exist and that President Biden has only six grandchildren, not seven.

“The President’s team is reportedly pushing a public relations strategy that involves never recognizing Navy Joan as part of the Biden family,” The Daily Wire reported. “White House aides are reportedly being told in strategy sessions that the President only has six grandchildren, not seven, according to The Times.”

Of course, this is nothing new for the Bidens, especially the President.

Throughout his time in the White House, Biden has repeatedly gone out of his way to make it clear through his public comments that he has only six grandchildren.

As a matter of fact, while reports have surfaced suggesting he’s never seen, spoke to, or asked about his seventh grandchild, he’s bragged about talking with the other six “every single day.”

“The best part of it all, I have six grandchildren, and I’m crazy about them. I speak to them every single day,” Biden told reporters in April. “Not a joke.”

And the Biden regime has certainly taken their marching orders on the issue, as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has refused to answer any questions about the President’s seventh grandchild on multiple occasions.

“I wanted to ask about the trial going on in Arkansas with Hunter Biden and the child support,” a reporter asked the Press Secretary just last week. “Are the President and First Lady monitoring that? And how come they haven’t acknowledged the seventh grandchild?”

“I’m not going to speak to that from here,” Jean-Pierre replied.

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