Ron DeSantis just blasted Joe Biden with videos the President had hoped were long forgotten

Jun 20, 2023

Most 2024 Republican Presidential Primary candidates are making headlines attacking their fellow GOP hopefuls.

But Ron DeSantis has his focus trained almost entirely on defeating President Joe Biden.

And now DeSantis is reminding American voters of these troubling videos of Biden that the President had hoped would remain buried.

The disaster that is the Biden Presidency

President Joe Biden’s tenure in the Oval Office has been so disastrous people tend to forget about some of his most troubling character traits.

A recession, runaway inflation, tanking workforce participation rates, a crisis on the U.S. southern border, a drug abuse epidemic, weaponizing the government against political opponents, the embarrassing and fatal Afghanistan withdrawal, waging a war on parents – the list goes on and on.

Biden’s Presidency has been so uniquely bad, a frequent meme from the 2020 campaign has been pushed to the background – despite his behavior not improving.

However, the DeSantis team is eager to remind voters of just how creepy and inappropriate – at best – the President can be.

America’s Governor won’t let us forget

DeSantis’ rapid response team has its own Twitter account – and a very effective one at that.

Last week, the DeSantis War Room account released a damning video of moments President Biden wishes weren’t caught on camera.

As you can see in the video above, they edited together some infamous clips of Biden sniffing, groping, and kissing little girls.

While the videos play, audio from Biden Administration officials – including the President himself and his Vice President Kamala Harris saying things like, “they’re all our children” can be heard in the background.

In response to the video, DeSantis’ team member Christina Pushaw called Biden the “creep in chief.”

“These are our kids, these are our neighbors,” Biden says. “They’re not somebody else’s kids, they’re ALL our kids.”

“When you see our kids – and I truly believe they’re OUR children,” Harris added.

The video ends with the text, “keep your hands off our children.”

The video serves as a metaphor about the Biden Administration’s stance against parental rights.

President Biden and his White House team all support that providing puberty blockers and gender-altering surgeries for minors should be the standard of supposed “gender-affirming healthcare.”

Of course, “gender-affirming” does not at all correctly describe puberty blockers, gender-changing operations, and forced compliance of preferred pronouns.

Affirming gender would be actually helping those suffering from gender dysphoria come to terms with reality – not placating their delusions.

Big Media covers for Biden’s groomer behavior

Predictably, Big Media is freaking out over DeSantis releasing a video of Biden being caught red-handed making little girls feel uncomfortable – just as his stance supporting men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports do.

Leftist site Mediaite complained of DeSantis calling Biden a “groomer.”

But they made no defense of Biden’s inappropriate behavior – just a critique on DeSantis for showing it.

Biden hasn’t gotten any less handsy with age.

Just last week, Biden invaded actress Eva Longoria’s personal space and felt up her side boob.

She immediately removed his old, weathered hands from her body.

The President then explained that he’s known her since she was 17 and he was in his 40s.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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