Riley Gaines just dropped a truth bomb proving Karine Jean-Pierre is waging a war on women

Jun 21, 2023

Riley Gaines is suffering unending personal attacks for standing up for women’s rights in the face of the radical trans movement in America.

Meanwhile, Karine Jean-Pierre has made it clear the White House stands with men in drag over women.

But now Gaines is dropping a truth bomb on KJP that will have the White House Press Secretary wishing the two had never crossed paths.

The most diverse and inclusive White House in American history

The White House has made it clear – they are in favor of transing all the kids.

So-called “trans rights” are clearly a top priority of the Biden Administration.

To celebrate “Pride Month,” the Biden Administration has been pulling out all the stops to virtue signal and prove they are “the most diverse and inclusive government in history.”

Biden held a party on the White House lawn, where a biological male suffering from gender dysphoria and living his life as a woman exposed his fake breasts in a topless video – mere moments after meeting the Commander-in-Chief.

The U.S. Air Force tweeted out a salute to the Pride flag.

The White House pride display also hung the rainbow flags at equal height to the American flag.

To rub a little more salt into the wound, the America flags were flanking the Pride flag at equal height, which took the prominent center position.

And then there was Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre’s comments when asked about men in girls’ sports.

KJP says questioning men in women’s sports is “dangerous”

“What would the administration say to parents out there, who have daughters, in high school for example, who are worried that their daughter may have to compete against a male, or a person born male, and there could be directly, physical athletic competition, and worry about their daughters safety?” a reporter in the White House briefing room asked KJP.

However, KJP decided against answering his question and instead attacked him for even daring to ask such a question.

“What you’re alluding to is basically saying that transgender kids are dangerous,” KJP scolded. “It sounds like that’s what you’re saying…you’re saying that their [female athletes] safety is at risk . . . you’re laying out a broad example of explanation of what could potentially happen . . . that is dangerous. That is a dangerous thing to say, that essentially, transgender kids, we’re talking about, are dangerous.”

Of course, KJP’s argument was a straw man.

The reporter never said “transgender kids” – which don’t exist, by the way, those are children suffering from child abuse by their radically woke parents – were dangerous.

He said it is dangerous for girls to play sports competitively against much larger boys.

KJP was relentlessly mocked online by conservatives for her nonsense disguised as an answer.

Riley Gaines vs. Karine Jean-Pierre

And one of her biggest critiques was former athlete and new women’s rights advocate Riley Gaines.

Gaines famously tied Lia Thomas – the male who dominated women’s collegiate swimming last year – in a meet.

She was forced to give her male counterpart the trophy and let him stand on the podium for the photo op while she was left on the sidelines.

Gaines has been outspoken since graduating from the University of Kentucky about protecting safe spaces for women – like changing rooms, for example.

The collegiate swimming star has some choice words for KJP.

“When they say ‘inclusion,’ just know they really mean ‘exclusion,’” Gaines tweeted. “The message this sends to ALL women is that our safety doesn’t matter. Nor does our privacy, our fairness, our equal opportunities, or our dignity. The misogyny is slapping us across the face. #SaveWomensSports”

Facts are on Gaines’ side

While KJP threw out some buzzwords and harsh allegations of hate – Gaines’ argument is backed by facts and examples.

Men are dominating women’s sports as of late, with champions crowned in swimming, cycling, weightlifting, MMA, and more.

Every time a male decides to transition and get involved in women’s sports, they take a spot on the team away from a real woman.

This oftentimes leads to scholarships and other opportunities being stolen from females.

As Gaines explained from her time competing against Thomas – females are also being forced to change in front of a man – with all his genitals still intact – in locker rooms.

Then they have to compete against that male.

A man named Fallon Fox broke his female opponent’s face with a knee in an MMA fight.

A young woman suffered a concussion after a man spiked a volleyball into her face.

That girl is still suffering after facing off with a man on the court.

She still has impaired vision, partial paralysis on the right side of her body, constant headaches, anxiety, and depression.

And these are just a few of the many, many examples out there of this new phenomenon.

Americans don’t want men in girls’ sports

By and large Americans are siding with Gaines over KJP and Biden.

In fact, a new Gallup poll found 69% of Americans want people to play in the sports league corresponding with their biology.

Compare that to the same poll in 2021 when only 62% of people said the same thing.

The more Americans see this – the more they don’t like it.

Not only did large majorities of Republicans and independents oppose men in women’s sports – so do a plurality of Democrats – by a 48-47 margin.

That means KJP and Biden aren’t even in the mainstream of their own party.

And the Gallup survey also found most Americans, 55%, believe changing your gender is morally wrong – up four-points since the 2021 survey.

*Before It's Banned Official Polling*

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