Ron DeSantis isn’t even running yet, and he’s already racking up these key endorsements

Apr 21, 2023

Donald Trump is burning up the phone lines trying to nail down early endorsements.

Meanwhile Ron DeSantis is focusing on passing Pro-Life, Pro-family legislation in Florida.

But even though Ron DeSantis isn’t even running yet, he’s already racking up these key endorsements.

There is a reason Donald Trump has spent countless hours attacking Florida’s popular Governor Ron DeSantis.

The only real challenge to Trump

It’s because, by every measurable indicator, the only GOP candidate who could take the 2024 Presidential nomination from Trump is Ron DeSantis.

And DeSantis keeps racking up conservative, Pro-Life, Pro-family policy victories while Trump hits the campaign trail.

Despite the fact that DeSantis hasn’t even said if he is running for President, he continues to be within striking distance of Trump in every poll.

And in some of the early states, DeSantis is actually running ahead of Trump.

But the good news for DeSantis doesn’t stop with the polls.

The Florida Governor is also racking up endorsements, though he’s not even asking for them yet.

While many Republican lawmakers are still backing former President Trump to be the GOP nominee, some Members of Congress have given their support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Congresswoman Laurel Lee, (R-FL), has become the latest lawmaker to back DeSantis.

“DeSantis has the character, commitment, and conservative principles needed to beat Joe Biden”

Lee recently announced she was throwing her support behind the potential GOP candidate, “As Ron DeSantis’s Secretary of State, I had the honor of witnessing firsthand his unparalleled leadership under pressure, his character, and his commitment to core conservative principles. His leadership and his vision made Florida a shining beacon of freedom,” Lee said in a statement. “Ron DeSantis fights for what matters, and he wins when it matters most,” she continued.

Lee also said, “Our country is in crisis, and it is time Americans learn what Floridians already know: Ron DeSantis’s conservative principles, proven track record, and his commitment to our country are exactly what we need in a leader. It was my honor to serve in his administration and it is my honor today to endorse him for President of the United States.”

Lee becomes the third House Republican to back DeSantis in his likely bid for President.

She joins conservative stalwarts Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Chip Roy of Texas in announcing their backing of DeSantis, even before he announces.

DeSantis is expected to announce a Presidential campaign shortly after the Florida legislative session ends next month.

And already, a pro-DeSantis political action committee has formed to help ramp up the Florida Governor’s chances in a potential ballot battle with Trump.

In March, an independent super PAC called Never Back Down, was formed to help DeSantis get elected and has already raised more than $30 million for the effort.

Never Back Down PAC is hiring up top GOP operatives, including some veterans of Trump’s previous two campaigns.

For now it is a waiting game, but DeSantis seems to be making all the right moves to announce a campaign and give Trump a real run for his money.

And despite the outcome, conservatives only stand to benefit as they both are champions for the America First agenda and would undoubtedly be better for America than another term for Biden or RINOs like Chris Christie or Nikki Haley.

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