One of the most recognized conservatives in Washington, D.C., just endorsed a Presidential nominee, and it shockingly isn’t Trump

Apr 11, 2023

Republicans are very eager and nervous about what 2024 holds for the party and the conservative movement.

Now with the indictment and a possible criminal prosecution looming over President Trump, there are many Republicans who are starting to think outside the box.

And one of the most recognized conservatives in Washington, D.C., just endorsed a Presidential nominee, and it shockingly isn’t Trump.

If not Trump, then who?

You hear every four years during a Presidential election “this is the most important election of our lifetimes.”

Well, believe it or not, 2024 is the most important election of our lifetimes as progressivism continues to advance throughout our society at alarming rate to the point where we don’t even recognize the nation anymore.

Everything from our families to our pocket books are hurting because of drastic policies put in place by the Washington, D.C., Swamp.

Many Republicans are willing to do anything and everything they can to win this next election, as they can see the clock is running out for our nation.

And, for most Republicans, the clear pick for President of the United States is Donald Trump.

He’s proven himself to be a leader for the conservative movement who actually acts upon what he says he’s going to do.

Unfortunately for former President Trump and his family, he is now the subject of a criminal prosecution that no one really knows where it will go.

Most people truly believe that the charges against President Trump are phony at best, but you also have to remember either the judge or the jury who will decide the case will be from Manhattan, where only twelve percent of the population voted for Trump in 2020.

No matter how innocent Trump may be of the charges, it will be shocking if Trump gets out of a court in Manhattan unscathed.

So this has many Republicans trying to think who might be a good alternative if Trump is unable to run for President.

And now one of the most prominent conservatives in Washington, D.C., has made an astonishing endorsement that caught everyone off guard.

Massie backs DeSantis in a boost for 2024

Republican Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky has endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for President.

In a statement released by one of the most conservative Members of Congress, Massie argued, “America needs a leader who is decisive, respects the Constitution, understands policy, puts family first, and leads by inspiring. That’s why I’m endorsing Ron DeSantis for President.”

Thomas Massie is a big endorsement for any Republican candidate as he is just one of a handful of members of Congress who are actually a real conservative.

You always have Republicans in Washington, D.C., tell you about all the actions they want to take, and Thomas Massie is one of a few who will actually commit to the things everyone claims they are going to do.

Massie has stood against the Swamp time and time again, which has given him a reputation for not caring about what others within the Republican Party think.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story before it’s banned.

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