Merrick Garland landed in the hot seat after Chuck Grassley asked this critical question

Aug 2, 2023

Attorney General Merrick Garland is a shameless political hack.

His political meddling to protect Joe Biden is coming under fire.

And Merrick Garland landed in the hot seat after Chuck Grassley asked this critical question.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is hot on the trail of the Biden crime family’s rampant corruption.

He released the explosive FBI FD-1023 form that outlines a criminal bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, each receiving $5 million from the CEO of Ukrainian energy company Burisma to spike a corruption investigation into the company.

President Biden later bragged about having the Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutor investigating Burisma fired after he threatened to withhold loans to the country as Vice President.

FBI agents told Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, who’s leading the Hunter Biden probe, that they were able to corroborate some of the bombshell claims detailed in the form.

Senator Grassley said that the media wasn’t asking the critical question about whether the FBI and Biden’s Department of Justice were following routine procedure during the investigation, or tried to sweep damaging information about the Bidens under the rug.

“Much of the media’s reporting has missed the essential question,” Grassley said. “That essential question is this: Did the Justice Department and the FBI follow normal investigative process and procedures to run the information down or did they sweep this information under the rug?”

Grassley pointed out that the FBI hid key portions of the FD-1023 on the copy it gave to the House Oversight Committee by redacting portions to allegedly protect the confidential human source who generated the information.

He noted that information removed included “references to the alleged audio recordings between then-Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden, and the foreign national.”

FBI runs cover for the Biden Crime Family

The FBI tried to avoid handing over the form to Congressional Republicans for months, even though it’s unclassified.

“It also redacted references to text messages and financial records that allegedly existed to prove the criminal act was done,” Grassley continued. “Those redactions are an obstructive conduct by the United States. Why? Because this was an unclassified document. It’s not even marked law enforcement sensitive.”

The Biden Justice Department and FBI are desperate to keep Congress and the American people from seeing the evidence that indicates Biden was bribed by Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky.

Senator Grassley said that his top priority was to make sure that the FBI and Justice Department are held accountable for their conduct.

The FD-1023 has information on what could be the smoking gun of the Biden family’s corruption.

Zlochevsky allegedly told the confidential human source that he had two audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden and 15 such recordings with Hunter Biden, who was serving on Burisma’s board of directors at the time.

The redacted information in the FBI FD-1023 form could be the smoking gun that brings down Joe Biden’s Presidency.

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