Megyn Kelly just spilled all of the beans on the private one-on-one meeting she had with Donald Trump this weekend

Jul 20, 2023

Just a few years ago, Megyn Kelly became a hero of Democrats and self-proclaimed “journalists” after she attempted to take down Donald Trump during a 2016 Republican Presidential debate.

Now she’s apparently managed to make her way into his inner circle.

And Megyn Kelly just spilled all of the beans on the private one-on-one meeting she had with Donald Trump this weekend.

Spilling the tea

This past weekend, the Turning Point Action Summit brought many of the biggest names in the Republican Party and conservative media together in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Considering the event was but a short motorcade away from his Mar-a-Lago home, former President Donald Trump was also in attendance.

And while the former President was at the event, he apparently had a private, one-on-one meeting with former Fox News and NBC News host Megyn Kelly.

At least, that’s according to Kelly’s account of the events that transpired.

During a recent episode of her podcast, Kelly told her audience that the meeting was the first time the two had spoken privately “in years,” and that all of the “nonsense” that arose between the pair as a result of that infamous 2016 Republican Presidential debate incident has dissipated.

“He and I got a one-on-one together for the first time in years and it was frankly great to see him,” Kelly said. “You know, all that nonsense between us is under the bridge and he could not have been more magnanimous, you know.”

She even went so far in her over-the-top compliments of Trump to praise how the former President’s “aura” commands a room.

“It’s just the thing about Trump is, he commands the room, he walks in and it’s not just because he’s a former President now because I knew him before that, he, there’s just something about him,” Kelly added. “It’s like an aura that sort of takes over the room, there’s only one person you can look at.”

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The former Fox News host went on to reiterate that Trump “could not have been nicer or more generous,” as she continued to heap praise on the former President.

But once she got all of the compliments and praise out of the way, Kelly got to the good stuff, telling her audience that Trump “had some interesting thoughts about the [Republican Presidential Primary] debates, whether he’s going to attend.”

And according to Kelly, it wouldn’t be wise for anyone to bet on Trump being in attendance for any debates in the Republican Primary.

“I wouldn’t bet on it, I would not bet on him attending, at least that first Fox News debate,” Kelly explained. “If I had to put money on it, you know, it’s Trump so he could change his mind but that was my feeling.”

Of course, she did go on to retroactively preface her suggestion that Trump will skip the debates by making it clear that the former President didn’t actually commit either way, reiterating it was just the feeling she had from their discussion.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t take a one-on-one meeting with the man to recognize that he has no interest in taking part in any Primary debates so long as he continues to lead the field.

Ultimately, Kelly went on to state that she believes her meeting with Trump is a testament that people “can change and people can rebuild relationships” despite turmoil, though she didn’t exactly give any insight into how she or Trump may have changed over the years.

Whatever changes there may have been, it seems as though Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump have actually made up and are moving forward on good terms.

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