Bidenomics and the United Auto Workers union may spell the end to U.S. car industry

Sep 1, 2023

The union bosses overwhelmingly supported Joe Biden his entire political career, especially the UAW.

While Joe Biden has richly repaid the union brass by giving them special privileges, his Bidenomics programs have crushed the rank-and-file workers.

Now, the effects of Bidenomics have triggered action by the United Auto Workers union that could mean the end for the U.S. auto industry.

Things are bad in the country, and nowhere is that truer than among America’s blue-collar workers.

We need a raise to counter Biden’s inflation

And much of the blame can be laid at the feet of America’s union bosses for supporting liberal Democrats whose spending policies have increased inflation.

The union bosses have used hundreds of millions, if not billions, of forced union dues to elect Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Of course, among the worst abusers of this forced dues political action is the United Auto Workers Union.

Now that their puppet is installed and their leftist economic policies are hurting their union members, they do the next logical thing.

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union authorized a strike for higher wages to keep up with inflation and increased union dues.

The union voted 97% in favor of a strike for its 150,000 autoworkers as intense labor negotiations continue with the Big Three automakers, Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler), according to a union boss news release.

Union bosses are demanding wage increases to counter Biden’s inflation, better-defined benefit pensions, retiree healthcare, the elimination of tiers for wages, and more benefits, among other demands.

“UAW President Shawn Fain announced today that the union’s strike authorization vote passed with near universal approval from the 150,000 union workers at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis,” the union bosses said in a press release.

A result similar to communist elections

“Final votes are still being tabulated, but the current combined average across the Big Three was 97% in favor of strike authorization. The vote does not guarantee a strike will be called, only that the union has the right to call a strike if the Big Three refuse to reach a fair deal.”

Union bosses took to social media to announce the results.

The vote is part of ongoing negotiations with the Big Three over the union workers’ contracts, which are all set to expire on Sept. 14.

What is almost comical about the situation is that the union bosses flatly admit they are demanding higher wages, mainly due to inflation.

Inflation which is caused by Joe Biden – the very man they installed in the White House.

“Our union’s membership is clearly fed up with living paycheck-to-paycheck while the corporate elite and billionaire class continue to make out like bandits,” Fain said in the press release. “The Big Three have been breaking the bank while we have been breaking our backs.”

The strike authorization vote actually consisted of three different votes, one for each major auto company, with Ford getting 98%, General Motors 96%, and Stellantis 95% in favor of a strike authorization.

Maybe if union bosses had not spent their members’ forced dues money on electing Joe Biden, this all could have been avoided.

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