Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is throwing an absolute tantrum after Dianne Feinstein made one comment about her leave of absence

May 19, 2023

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has led the Democrat effort to demand left-wing Senator Dianne Feinstein resign since she was on a months-long absence from the Senate due to health issues.

The 89-year-old Senator finally returned to the Senate last week.

But now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is throwing an absolute tantrum after Dianne Feinstein made one comment about her leave of absence.

AOC wants Senator Feinstein to just go away already

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has been one of the top Democrats in the U.S. Senate for over three decades now, spending much of that time as one of the left-wing outrage mob’s political heroes.

As the Mayor of San Francisco in the 1980s before being elected to the Senate, she served as an inspiration for many other Democrats, particularly women, like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who previously called her a “role model and mentor.”

Now, Feinstein is 89 years old, and younger left-wing radicals, like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Katie Porter (D-CA), would like for her to just go away.

That’s largely because the Senator’s health has been a major hurdle for Democrats’ efforts to force President Joe Biden’s most radical judicial nominees through the confirmation process.

In February, Senator Feinstein was hospitalized with the shingles virus, a diagnosis that left her sidelined for three months, and brought the Left’s implementation of their radical agenda to a screeching halt.

She returned to the Senate last week, mostly to silence her fellow Democrats’ calls for her to resign, but despite taking on a “lighter schedule,” reportedly by order of her doctors, the Senator has failed to convince anyone, especially AOC and her minions, that she is fit to serve.

And as she exited the Senate after participating in two votes, it was an impromptu interview Feinstein conducted with self-proclaimed “journalists” that caused Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to throw an absolute tantrum.

This is starting to be sad . . .

According to a report from left-wing blog Slate, when asked how her colleagues feel about her return to the U.S. Senate from a three-month absence, Senator Feinstein denied that she was ever away from the Senate in the first place.

“No, I haven’t been gone,” Feinstein reportedly told the media. “You should follow the — I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working.”

Self-proclaimed “journalists” predictably attempted to throw the Democrat a lifeline by asking if she meant she had been working from home while she was away from the Senate.

But she merely doubled down, insisting that she hadn’t been absent from the Senate at all, and had been casting votes the entire time.

“No, I’ve been here,” the Senator reiterated. “I’ve been voting. Please. You either know or don’t know.”

Of course, this isn’t the only report that’s surfaced since Feinstein’s return that has thrown her mental fitness for office into question.

Late last week, just one day after the Senator’s return, Politico published excerpts of the new book, The Big Break: The Gamblers, Party Animals, and True Believers Trying to Win
in Washington While America Loses Its Mind, by Washington Post style writer Ben Tellis in which he recounts an interaction Senator Feinstein had with Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) in 2021.

According to Tellis, at an event shortly after Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) took office in January 2021, Senator Feinstein confused Senator Scott – her Senate colleague for more than a decade – with her fellow Democrat because they are both black men.

“About a year earlier, Feinstein had approached Senator Tim Scott, stuck out her hand, and told him she had been rooting for him and was so happy to have him serving with her in the Senate. It was obvious to Scott and the staffers in tow that Feinstein had mistaken the South Carolinian for Raphael Warnock, the newly elected Democratic senator from Georgia.”

When Politico published the Washington Post writer’s story, it appeared as though Democrats, like Ocasio-Cortez, were leaking stories to the media in order to turn up the heat on Senator Feinstein to retire.

That’s almost certainly still the case, but at the same time, Democrats’ calls for Dianne Feinstein to resign are only going to grow louder every time she opens her mouth.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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