This Democrat politician’s wife was just exposed for allegedly helping “facilitate” Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes

Jun 23, 2023

For years, the ruling class elites have kept the names of some 1,000 people involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s heinous criminal enterprise from being released to the public.

Of course there’s an obvious reason they won’t, even though the 167 John and Jane Doe victims have all agreed to have their names released publicly in order to expose the truth.

And now this Democrat politician’s wife was just exposed for allegedly helping “facilitate” Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes.

Lawsuits upon lawsuits

Nearly four years after prison cameras conveniently shut off while one of the most despicable humans to ever live, Jeffrey Epstein, allegedly “committed suicide,” the public is still in the dark about much of the facts surrounding the demented financier’s heinous crimes.

But fortunately, there are many fearless individuals – many of them being Epstein victims – who are determined to get to the truth and hold the wrongdoers accountable.

As such, even though most of the media seems to have conveniently lost interest in the matter, numerous court battles are currently playing out that have brought new information to light.

Back in November 2022, one unnamed Epstein victim filed a lawsuit on behalf of all victims against JPMorgan Chase, Epstein’s bank until 2013, alleging that the bank “turned a blind eye to suspicious withdrawals and payments from Epstein’s accounts, ‘knowing that they would earn millions of dollars from facilitating Epstein’s sex abuse and trafficking,’” the Financial Times reported at the time.

The bank ultimately decided it was “in the best interests of all parties, especially the survivors who were the victims of Epstein’s terrible abuse” to settle that lawsuit earlier this month, agreeing to pay over 100 Epstein victims a total of $290 million.

However, JPMorgan Chase is also being sued by the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands – where Epstein’s Little St. James Island of horrors was located – claiming the bank “protected Epstein, fostering the perfect conditions for Epstein’s criminal conduct to continue undetected. Rather than stop him, they helped him.”

And unlike the lawsuit filed by the survivors, JPMorgan Chase is fighting back against the Virgin Islands government, and they’re not pulling any punches either.

In fact, as they fight the Virgin Islands’ lawsuit, the bank’s lawyers recently claimed in a court filing that it wasn’t their company who facilitated Epstein’s crimes but rather the wife of the islands’ former Democrat Governor John de Jongh Jr.

Bill Clinton apparently wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein’s only Democrat accomplice

You see, Governor de Jongh’s wife, former First Lady Cecile de Jongh, apparently worked as “an office manager for the convicted sex offender’s businesses in the U.S. territory” while her husband was in office.

And according to emails uncovered by JPMorgan Chase’s lawyers, the former Democrat First Lady ran Esptein’s business operations in the Virgin Islands and helped him navigate local politics and law enforcement – all while her husband was in office.

The emails even indicate she signed Epstein victims up for English language classes, organized their visas so he could traffic them, and urged him to support Democrat politicians financially.

“De Jongh allegedly helped enroll numerous Epstein victims in English classes, the bank said,” The Daily Wire reported. “Epstein paid for the courses. She also allegedly helped get their visas set up so they could be brought to the island.”

“She allegedly asked Epstein to make political donations to the Congressional campaign of Democrat Stacey Plaskett, who was later elected to U.S. Congress as a delegate,” the report added.

In response, a spokesperson for the Virgin Islands Attorney General’s office claimed JPMorgan Chase “cherry-picked” facts to distract from its own legal issues.

Of course, it’s important to note that the Virgin Islands currently does not have an Attorney General leading their Justice Department, as current Democrat Governor Albert Bryan Jr. previously fired then-Attorney General Denise N. George just four days after she filed the lawsuit against JPMorgan after the Democrat Governor became frustrated that she wasn’t informing him of information involving the Epstein case in a timely manner, The New York Times reported.

That’s obviously not suspicious at all, though, according to the media and ruling class elites.

Needless to say, even when the facts come out, and Jeffrey Epstein’s associates are exposed for their roles in his heinous crimes, the ruling class elites will always rush to protect their own.

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