Purple-haired Congresswoman made an even bigger fool of herself after this takedown of an FBI whistleblower failed spectacularly

May 26, 2023

Democrats are frantically attempting to silence and discredit every whistleblower that comes forward to expose corruption and left-wing political bias inside the federal government.

But in doing so they just keep setting themselves up for failure.

And now this purple-haired Congresswoman made an even bigger fool of herself after this takedown of an FBI whistleblower failed spectacularly.

It always comes back to Twitter . . .

Last Thursday, the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government heard testimony from three FBI whistleblowers – all of whom have been illegally suspended from their jobs at the bureau for speaking out – who exposed politically-motivated corruption.

Chief among the allegations the whistleblowers brought forward against the FBI was the suggestion that the bureau targeted pro-life Americans, Catholics, and concerned parents who speak out against left-wing indoctrination in government schools in order to “inflate” the supposed “domestic terrorism threat” Democrats and ruling class elites claim persists.

However, when it came time for Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-CA) to question the whistleblowers, she was far more concerned by one claim made by FBI staff operations specialist and whistleblower Marcus Allen.

Allen, who like his fellow whistleblowers was suspended from his job by FBI leadership for speaking out, had previously spoken up during the hearing to testify that he was retaliated against by bureau’s leadership after he forwarded information to his superiors that “questioned the official narrative of the events of January 6.”

Rep. Sánchez didn’t take kindly to his suggestion that any part of the official January 6 narrative may not exactly match the reality of what really transpired, and she proceeded to grill him over whether or not he uses Twitter – it always comes back to Twitter with Democrats.

“Mr. Allen, have you ever used Twitter – yes or no?” Sánchez snapped at the whistleblower.

“I have utilized Twitter, yes ma’am,” Allen responded.

But then, the Democrat Congresswoman proceeded to go completely off the rails.

Now leaving planet Earth

Sánchez proceeded to read out the name of a random Twitter account that featured Allen’s first name, “Marcus,” followed by a string of random letters and numbers – @Marcusa97050645 – and demanded to know whether it was the whistleblower’s account.

“That is absolutely not my account,” Allen clearly stated.

“Okay, that’s not your account,” Sánchez replied. “Well, on December 5, 2022, an account under the name Marcus Allen retweeted a tweet that said quote —”

“That’s not my account, ma’am,” Allen reiterated, cutting the Congresswoman off.

But Rep. Sánchez, irate over the idea she was cut off while speaking, was undeterred and proceeded to grill the whistleblower over whether he agreed with a random tweet written by a random user that happened to have the same very common name as him.

“You haven’t let me finish the question, sir,” Sánchez shot back. “You haven’t let me finish the question and the time is mine!”

“On December 5, 2022, an account under the name of Marcus Allen retweeted a tweet that said, quote, ‘Nancy Pelosi staged January 6. Retweet if you agree.’ Do you agree with that statement, yes or no?”

But when Allen responded by saying, “No ma’am. That’s not my account at all…” Sánchez cut him off and demanded to know whether he agreed with a statement he had nothing to do with.

“I’m asking whether you agree with that statement, yes or no,” Sánchez asked once more.

Needless to say, Allen did not agree with the statement he never wrote in the first place, leading the Democrat Congresswoman to skulk back to the drawing board.

In pointing out the absurdity of the Democrats frantically searching Twitter for an account that has said something they find distasteful and matches the name of a whistleblower in an attempt to smear said whistleblower, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) tweeted a screenshot of a Twitter account under the name “Linda Sanchez” that claimed, “Donald Trump is the greatest President of my lifetime!”

“Finally, something we can agree on! @RepLindaSanchez,” Nehls captioned the tweet.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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