One handwritten note is the impeachment smoking gun that left Joe Biden a quivering wreck

Sep 18, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Republicans would open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s lawlessness and corruption.

Democrats and the media falsely claimed there was no evidence of wrongdoing.

But one handwritten note is the impeachment smoking gun that left Joe Biden a quivering wreck.

The House Ways and Means Committee’s impeachment inquiry is digging into allegations the Biden Justice Department interfered in the Hunter Biden investigation to thwart felony charges against Hunter Biden and block any lines of inquiry that could implicate Joe Biden in an alleged foreign influence peddling scheme.

Democrats and the media’s claims of no evidence of wrongdoing collapsed under the weight of the revelation that IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley took contemporaneous notes of a pivotal October 7, 2022, meeting with IRS investigators, FBI agents, and U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the prosecutor nominally in charge of the probe.

Shapley testified to Congress that Weiss admitted he didn’t have ultimate charging authority in the case and that the Biden Justice Department blocked him from filing felony tax fraud charges against Hunter Biden.

Attorney General Merrick Garland denied this was the case, and Weiss even submitted a letter to the Judiciary Committee filled with weasel words trying to finesse this language in a non-denial denial.

But Weiss’ notes from the meeting show Weiss told the other attendees that he was not allowed to make the final decision on charging Hunter Biden.

“SSA Shapley took notes during the meeting” Shapley’s lawyers wrote to Congress. “These notes, combined with his fresh memory of the meeting, formed the basis for the email he sent later that day and corroborate his current recollection.”

POLITICO got a hold of Shapley’s notes, and they relayed that “Weiss stated- He is not the deciding person,” Shapley recounted.

 An FBI agent from the Baltimore office who attended the meeting confirmed Weiss’ account of events in that the other U.S. Attorneys’ Offices under the control of the Biden Justice Department would not cooperate in helping Weiss bring charges against Hunter Biden in their jurisdictions.

These inactions allowed the statute of limitations on the most serious tax charges to expire.

“I’m aware that obviously charging discussions were happening, and, yes, there was a difference in the venue for some of those charges,” the agent stated.

“I remember learning at some point in the investigation that Mr. Weiss would have to go through his other processes because the U.S. Attorney’s Offices had, I guess, in that sense, using that terminology, wasn’t going to partner,” the agent added.

Joe Biden’s been lying from the start about his involvement in Hunter Biden’s business deals.

And the latest lie is that Republicans have no evidence of wrongdoing to justify opening up this impeachment inquiry.

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