One DOJ official reportedly tried to shut down the IRS whistleblower who made the Hunter Biden accusations

Sep 11, 2023

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has been covering for Hunter Biden.

But it’s much worse than anyone thought.

And one Department of Justice official reportedly tried to shut down the IRS whistleblower who made the Hunter Biden accusations.

A top Department of Justice official reportedly approached IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley earlier this year over his allegations that prosecutors gave Hunter Biden special treatment.

From interest to retaliation

According to the whistleblower’s attorneys, Shapley was contacted in April by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer.

Weinsheimer allegedly said he wanted to look into Shapley’s claims that the DOJ obstructed the Hunter Biden investigation. 

Mark Lytle, a partner in the law firm representing Shapley, said that “in just two short weeks, Weinsheimer went from expressing an interest in the claims of wrongdoing by the IRS whistleblower to dismissing the claims of retaliation when the IRS agents were pulled off the case.”

After Shapley came forward anonymously with allegations of misconduct in the Hunter Biden case, Weinsheimer emailed Lytle on April 24 and requested a phone call.

Lytle said he spoke with Weinsheimer the next day and provided a brief overview of Shapley’s accusations.

Shapley’s plans to come forward and testify before Congress were first reported by the Wall Street Journal in April, prior to his identity being revealed. 

The whistleblower wrote in a letter to Congress that he wanted to blow the whistle on “special treatment” toward Hunter Biden. 

According to emails first reported on by Politico, Weinsheimer contacted Hunter Biden defense counsel Christopher Clark and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss the day after his conversation with Lytle.

This opens up a new can of worms at the DOJ.  

“Discovering what led to the Apr. 26 meeting and what happened between then and May 11 is critical to understanding DOJ HQ’s involvement in a case where AG Merrick Garland swore there was none,” Shapley attorney Tristan Leavitt wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “It goes to the heart of whether Weiss and Garland misled Congress.” 

Lytle briefed members of Congress about Shapley’s accusations in May.

Taken off the case because the cake was baked

Shapley was then quickly taken off the Hunter Biden case, along with fellow IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler.

According to a phone call he had with Lytle and Leavitt, Weinsheimer was no longer interested in Shapley’s accusations by May 16.

As Leavitt put it, “I would say Weinsheimer wanted intel from Gary before his Hill testimony. His lack of interest after he met with Weiss and Clark suggests the cake was baked at that time.”

DOJ prosecutors instead hatched a generous plea deal with Biden’s lawyers for two tax misdemeanors. 

Hunter Biden was also expected to sign an agreement for his felony gun charge that also contained an immunity provision to protect him from all other potential charges.

But Biden’s plea deal fell apart in July after Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned the diversion agreement’s immunity provision.

Noreika’s scrutiny caused a dispute between the two sides over whether or not Hunter Biden could still be charged under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for his shady overseas business dealings. 

But the agreement was not put into place and Biden ended up pleading not guilty to the tax charges.

Shapley has testified that Weiss was blocked from charging Hunter in Washington, D.C., and the Central District of California by two Biden-appointed U.S. Attorneys. 

In July, prior to the plea deal’s collapse, Shapley’s attorneys released an email from October 7, 2022, detailing a meeting in which Weiss allegedly said the U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C., blocked him from charging Biden and that the DOJ refused to grant him special counsel status. 

This is why more and more Americans are growing disgusted with the weaponized DOJ and the two-tiered justice system.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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