Nancy Pelosi is in hot water after her secret arrangement to control this elderly Senator like a puppet for personal gain was exposed

May 24, 2023

Nancy Pelosi has proven she’ll go to the ends of the Earth to increase her power and control over working-class Americans.

But no one thought she’d go this far.

And now Nancy Pelosi is in hot water after her secret arrangement to control this elderly Senator like a puppet for personal gain was exposed.


Roughly two weeks ago, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) returned to the U.S. Senate to make her first public appearance since health complications sidelined her nearly three months ago.

The Democrat Senator’s return was largely fueled by a desire to silence the calls of many of her fellow Democrats, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), for her to immediately resign so California Governor Gavin Newsom can appoint a younger left-wing radical to the seat.

But with her health deteriorating at 89 years old, Senator Feinstein hasn’t done herself any favors in her return – like forgetting she was away from the Senate for months and telling reporters she had been there the entire time – leading to even more pressure for her to resign.

Lost in all of the hoopla surrounding the Senator’s situation, though, was who has been accompanying Feinstein literally everywhere she goes.

According to a report from Politico, Nancy Corinne Prowda, the eldest daughter of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), has taken on the role of “Feinstein’s primary caregiver” over the past few months as the Senator “dealt with the absence of her deceased husband, the departure of trusted staffers, a nasty case of shingles and spiraling concerns about her fitness for office.”

The report was sure to claim that “by all accounts,” the “arrangement” is rooted in a decades-long relationship Feinstein and Pelosi have developed, basically coming up through the political ranks together out of their hometown of San Francisco.

But at the same time, Politico also pointed out that “some of those who are aware” of the arrangement have “raised uncomfortable questions about whether Nancy Pelosi’s political interests are in conflict with Feinstein’s personal interests.”

It’s all about power

You see, even before Senator Feinstein announced that she would retire when her current term comes to an end at the conclusion of 2024, younger left-wing radicals, like Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Katie Porter (D-CA), and Barbara Lee (D-CA) began lining up to launch campaigns to replace her.

For her part, Rep. Pelosi has already thrown her endorsement behind Rep. Schiff, her longtime protégé who she was grooming to take her place atop Democrat leadership prior to him going completely off the deep end, to succeed Feinstein in the Senate.

Schiff currently has a slight advantage over his rivals in the race, considering he has much more name ID throughout California thanks to his time leading Democrats’ witch hunts into former President Donald Trump, a $15 million war chest to begin his campaign, and the support of much of the Democrat establishment.

However, that advantage would completely evaporate if Senator Feinstein were to cave to the pressure from within her own Party and resign, as Governor Newsom would then likely be forced to follow through on a virtue-signaling promise he previously made to appoint a black female, like Rep. Lee, to the seat should the Senator step down.

And Nancy Pelosi knows this all too well.

“If DiFi resigns right now, there is an enormous probability that Barbara Lee gets appointed — thus, it makes it harder for Schiff,” a Pelosi family “confidant,” who spoke on the condition of anonymity for obvious reasons, told Politico, adding that the relationship between Rep. Pelosi, her daughter, and Feinstein is “being kept under wraps and very, very closely held.”

“It’s very tricky, and political, because they want her to stay,” the individual added. “The political thinking is that if DiFi stays as long as possible, it helps Schiff as well.”

Of course, Pelosi’s office has responded to the accusations raised in the Politico report, claiming that the Congresswoman and her daughter are simply helping care for a longtime friend while rejecting the notion that there are ulterior motives at play.

“Anyone who knows Senator Feinstein knows that her service in the Senate is entirely her own decision, and Speaker Emerita Pelosi would never suggest otherwise,” a spokesperson for Pelosi claimed.

But as previously mentioned, that’s a difficult argument to accept at face value when the Senator supposedly making all of her own decisions didn’t even remember that she was absent from the Senate for nearly three months, less than 48 hours after her return.

“No, I haven’t been gone,” Feinstein told both Slate and The Los Angeles Times. “I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working. […] I’ve been here. I’ve been voting.”

At the same time, Rep. Pelosi has also been one of Feinstein’s biggest defenders throughout this ordeal, consistently claiming that any insinuation that the Senator isn’t up to the job is sexist.

Needless to say, the Pelosis’ core motivation for attempting to prop up Dianne Feinstein for the next 19 months may never truly be known – it’s not like self-proclaimed “journalists” are going to keep digging here or anything.

But the mere fact that anyone is even thinking to question Nancy Pelosi’s intentions really does say it all.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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