Megyn Kelly exposed a secret about Barack Obama that will change everything you think

Sep 14, 2023

It is obvious to any thinking American that Joe Biden is not capable of running the White House, let alone tie his own shoes.

The question many have is who is really running things with a less than capable chief executive.

And Megyn Kelly exposed a secret about Barack Obama that will change everything you think.

In an interview with Newsmax host Eric Bolling, Kelly explained that Barack and Michelle Obama were still calling the shots in the Democrat Party and the United States government.

“There are a lot of people who think the Obamas are already running the government and that there is some sort of shadow puppet situation going on that they’re controlling,” Kelly told Bolling.

Members of the media decried this comment as a so-called “conspiracy theory.”

But the truth backs up Kelly’s claim.

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice ran domestic policy in the Biden White House.

Joe Biden’s socialist agenda was the brainchild of one of Obama’s most trusted aides.

But it’s foreign policy where the Obama loyalists exert their greatest influence.

Tablet Mag’s David Samuels interviewed Obama biographer David Garrow.

In the interview, Samuels noted that when the Obamas left the White House, they remained in Washington, D.C., which was strange and a break in protocol.

But Samuels said it made sense in the context of the Obamas never truly giving up power in the Democrat Party.

Samuels said this was especially true now that Biden is President and the Obama foot soldiers staffed the foreign policy apparatus, which is why Biden is trying to recreate the Iran Nuclear Deal, which was Obama’s signature foreign policy agreement.

“The easy explanation, of course, is that Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is. He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House. They hold the Iran file. Tony Blinken doesn’t,” Samuels stated.

In an interview with Stephen Colbert, Obama laid out how – if ever got a third term – he would want it to operate with him giving the orders through a frontman.

“I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony. I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.”

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline leaves many Americans wondering who is exactly in charge at the White House.

Kelly suspects it is Barack Obama.

Many Americans share that suspicion.

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