Matt Walsh just had his most famous question answered by this red state

May 23, 2023

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh captivated the nation last year with a documentary posing a simple question to woke radicals.

What is a woman?

Now this red state is answering Walsh’s question and making the answer binding by law.

Democrats all-in on transing the kids

In the last few years, so-called “trans rights” have become the top priority for the radical Left.

This year, many red states have answered back with various pieces of legislation protecting women and children.

Some of the new laws ban sex-change surgeries and puberty blockers for minors.

Others prohibit children from attending sexualized drag shows.

Still, others preserve women’s sports by keeping biological males from competing against girls.

And some states are once again making bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms safe spaces for real females. To the surprise of no one, these laws have triggered the woke radicals into full meltdown mode.

Left-wing mobs have stormed multiple state capitol buildings.

And a transgender even shot up a Christian elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee – killing three kids and three adults.

Tennessee defines “men” and “women”

However, the riots, threats of violence, and mass killings aren’t stopping Republicans in the Volunteer State legislature from restoring sanity to their government.

The Washington Times is reporting the GOP-controlled House and Senate in Tennessee have passed a bill defining “sex” in the state code as the gender assigned at birth.

Republican Gov. Bill Lee has signed the bill into law.

“It’s not a novel definition – it’s not a new definition,” said Republican State Sen. Kerry Roberts of Springfield, Tennessee. “We’re not doing anything different for us to define terms when we need to in the code.”

But this is more than a symbolic effort.

The bill blocks transgender people in the state from changing their government-issued identification to reflect their supposed “gender identity.”

The Left is in full meltdown mode

The move has trans advocacy groups losing their collective minds.

“This is their latest cruel attempt to stigmatize, marginalize and erase the LGBTQ+ community, particularly transgender Tennesseans,” a statement from the Human Rights campaign read. “Let’s be clear: the goal of this bill is to exclude the LGBTQ+ community from nondiscrimination protections in the state of Tennessee and to perpetuate a false narrative of who transgender people are.”

The Human Rights Campaign couldn’t be more wrong – in fact, just the opposite of its assertion is true.

The bill seeks to use actual science instead of feelings to establish that there are indeed only two genders and define what men and women are.

In other words, what you learned in elementary school science class.

Tennessee continues protecting women and children

This isn’t the first move this year by the Tennessee state legislature and Gov. Lee that has the so-called “social justice warriors” up in arms.

The Volunteer State has already banned gender-altering operations and puberty blockers for minors, as well as established age restrictions for sexualized drag performances.

Left-wing organizations like the Human Right Campaign and many others have protested with each bill passing.

But the Tennessee GOP is promising to continue protecting women and children in the state.

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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