Joe Biden was furious after FBI Director Christopher Wray was caught lying about this spying program

Aug 15, 2023

The FBI used to be America’s premier law enforcement agency and considered above reproach.

But in recent years, they’ve been caught acting as nothing more than a state police force of the radical Left Democrat party.

That’s why Joe Biden was furious after FBI Director Christopher Wray was caught lying about this spying program.

New evidence is out showing that the FBI’s efforts to spy on American Catholics were more widespread than the FBI originally admitted.

A multi-pronged effort to spy on Catholics

Not only that, but this new information also makes it apparent that FBI Director Christopher Wray more than likely lied under oath.

According to a letter from Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mike Johnson (R-LA) to FBI director Christopher Wray, documents the federal law enforcement agency recently provided to Congress show that an FBI memo laying out plans to spy on “radical traditionalist Catholics” did not originate solely with the Richmond field office.

Instead, multiple field offices were involved in the anti-Catholic spying program, namely FBI field offices in Portland and Los Angeles.

This new information means Wray’s testimony under oath about the plot was completely untrue.

And Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and Johnson, who chairs the House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government, made clear their displeasure in their letter to Wray, saying:

“This new information suggests that the FBI’s use of its law enforcement capabilities to intrude on Americans’ First Amendment rights is more widespread than initially suspected and reveals inconsistencies with your previous testimony before the Committee. Given this startling new information, we write to request additional information to advance our oversight.”

Targeting traditional conservative Catholics

The memo, which was leaked earlier this year, contains the FBI’s detailed plans to infiltrate and spy on “radical traditionalist Catholic” communities and parishes.

According to the FBI, “Radical traditionalist Catholics” are defined as Catholics who attend the Tridentine rite of the Mass, (Latin Mass), which is the Mass the Catholic Church celebrated exclusively up until the 1960s.

The FBI memo also claims that “radical traditionalist Catholics” are likely to be “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.”

This false claim came exclusively from the radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center.

This leftist group places Catholics, Evangelical Christians, and parental rights groups on a “hate map” with groups like the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis.

Wray testified before Congress last month and, while under oath, said the memo was nothing more than “a single product by a single field office.”

But the new documents show that the Richmond field office coordinated with both the Portland and Los Angeles field offices.

And it pointed out both of those offices actually spied on Catholic parishes while tracking the activities of an alleged “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist.”

Jordan said Wray lied to Congress because “it appears that both FBI Portland and FBI Los Angeles field offices were involved in or contributed to the creation of FBI’s assessment of traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.”

These latest documents were only handed over to Congress after Jordan threatened to hold Wray in contempt for failure to comply with Congressional subpoenas.

No wonder they did not want to turn them over

And it’s no wonder Wray didn’t want to turn over the new documents proving their attacks on Catholics.

As Jordan said, “First, they went after moms and dads at school board meetings. Now, they’re going after traditional Catholics. When’s it going to stop?”

Tom McClusky, Director of Governmental Affairs for CatholicVote, said, “This memo, exposing the lies of FBI Director Wray and his cohorts in the Biden administration, further tarnishes a once-respected organization. The FBI is supposed to target criminal activity, but Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland have given it the reputation of a Democratic [Party] goon squad.”

And CatholicVote President Brian Burch said, “The FBI has finally acknowledged what we have long suspected, namely that FBI efforts to spy on Catholic churches went far beyond a single field office and a so-called rogue agent.” Burch added, “Catholics deserve answers as to why the director of the FBI was not honest with the committee during his previous testimony.”

No wonder Americans no longer trust the FBI – it is time to defund the agency, or at least reform it.

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