Alec Baldwin just got more devastating news despite the shooting charges being dropped

May 5, 2023

Trouble’s not over yet for disgraced actor Alec Baldwin.

He thought he was in the clear.

But Alec Baldwin just got more devastating news despite the shooting charges being dropped.

Not out of the woods yet

Movie star Alec Baldwin is under fire yet again.

Americans were shocked and dismayed when criminal charges were shockingly dropped against actor Alec Baldwin in connection with the 2021 shooting death of Halyna Hutchins on the set of the movie Rust.

But a civil lawsuit against him by Hutchins’ family is not going away, at least not yet.

According to Deadline, famed lawyer Gloria Allred, who represents Hutchins’ mother, father, and sister, said Baldwin is not out of the woods.

The slain cinematographer’s widower, Matt Hutchins, settled his separate lawsuit with Baldwin last year.

Deadline reports that part of that settlement made Matt Hutchins an executive producer of Rust, which has resumed filming in Montana.

Prior to the shooting and subsequent death of Halyna Hutchins, the movie was being filmed in New Mexico.

The rest of Hutchins’ family is however continuing with their suit of the recalcitrant actor.

Future charges possible?

And while prosecutors, who were facing a May 3 hearing, said they would drop manslaughter charges against Baldwin, they did not rule out filing charges against the actor in the future.

That threat didn’t stop some from lashing out against the prosecutors for their action.

Noted conservative activist Candace Owens Tweeted out, “Alec Baldwin having all charges dropped against him is positively criminal. He quite literally shot and killed someone on the set of his own movie and he will never have to face charges. Unbelievable privilege that only a wealthy, connected Democrat could experience.”

And Allred issued her own statement saying the lawsuit from Hutchins’ family is not going to go away.

“Despite the prosecutor’s decision to dismiss the criminal charge against Alec Baldwin without prejudice, the victims of Alec Baldwin that we represent remain hopeful,” the statement said.

The statement from Allred continued, “Mr Baldwin has tried to dismiss our civil case against him, and he has failed. (He) should know that we remain committed to fighting and winning for our clients and holding him accountable for pointing a loaded gun at Halyna Hutchins, pulling the trigger, and killing her.”

“Baldwin may pretend that he is not responsible for pulling the trigger and ejecting a live bullet which ended Halyna’s life,” the statement continued.

Baldwin cannot escape

Then Allred tore into Baldwin and his actions since the shooting.

“He can run to Montana and pretend that he is just an actor in a wild west movie but, in real life, he cannot escape from the fact that he had a major role in a tragedy which had real life consequences for Halyna, her mother, father, sister, and co-worker,” the statement stated.

“No matter where Alec Baldwin goes . . . he cannot escape responsibility for his role in shooting and killing Halyna, who was a young mother, a beloved daughter, a loving sister, and an admired co-worker,” Allred said.

The statement also said family members want a jury to decide “if Alec Baldwin is just a movie star or a defendant who should be held accountable for the tragic death of Halyna Hutchins.”

The lawsuit from Hutchins’ relatives states, “Alec Baldwin should have assumed that the gun in question was loaded, unless and until it was demonstrated to him or checked by him that it was not loaded.”

It went on to say Baldwin should not hide behind others “to attempt to excuse the fact that he did not check the gun himself and yet subsequently cocked and fired the gun that killed Ms. Hutchins.”

And that is what a jury will ultimately rule on – is there a separate justice system for rich and powerful Democrats and leftists?

Before It’s Banned will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story – before it’s banned.

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